Top 151 Francois Hollande Quotes December 18, 2020 by Krista Leave a Comment “We have chased away the clouds, the sky is all ‘rose.’”― Francois Hollande“My adversary is the world of finance.”― Francois Hollande“A jolt is necessary. Europe must reaffirm it values of freedom, solidarity, peace. The EU must be understood and controlled by its citizens. I will do everything to secure profound change rather than decline.”― Francois Hollande“France is the bridge between northern Europe and southern Europe. I refuse any division. If Europe has been reunified, it’s not for it to then fall into egotism or ‘each for one’s own’. Our duty is to set common rules around the principles of responsibility and solidarity.”― Francois Hollande“I am not deaf. I hear the anger. I see the dissatisfaction, and I have to go faster.”― Francois Hollande“Whoever pays should control; whoever pays should sanction. I agree. But budgetary union should be completed by a partial mutualisation of debts through eurobonds.”― Francois Hollande“We are a big country, with lots of advantages and history. We are proud to be French. We have to call on patriotism at this time… to ask for an effort in the battle against debt.”― Francois Hollande“I want the French people to respect values that allow each individual to practice his or her faith, but in the frame of our common rules of secularism.”― Francois Hollande“We find ourselves in a difficult situation in Europe. There’s a crisis, weak growth, unemployment… my duty is to ensure that by the end of my mandate France is in a better state than it was at the beginning.”― Francois Hollande“The arguments in the Brexit vote and in the American presidential campaign are about the same. In a friendly way, may I also give some advice to the American people to make the right choice when the moment comes.”― Francois Hollande“Between France and Senegal there’s a history. There’s a language that we both speak. There’s a culture that we share and to which both of our peoples have contributed. But beyond our history, beyond our language, beyond the links that have united us for so long, what unites us today is the future.”― Francois Hollande“I don’t want to leave my successor and my children to pay for France’s debt.”― Francois Hollande“Though Africa is not responsible for emitting greenhouse gases, it is suffering the consequences of climate change.”― Francois Hollande“I hope Britain stays in the European Union, but I don’t want to decide for the British.”― Francois Hollande“ISIL struck France because it is ‘free’ and ‘the nation of human rights’. This is not a war of civilisation, as these assassins don’t have any. This is a war against the jihadist menace that threatens not just France.”― Francois Hollande“We need intelligence services to fight against terrorism, but they have to respect the principles of good relationships between allies and protect personal, confidential data.”― Francois Hollande“Everyone must understand that you can’t demand solidarity when there’s a problem and shirk your duties when there are solutions.”― Francois Hollande“In an election, one needs both hope and audacity.”― Francois Hollande“Be happy, be proud, be generous, be respectful, be proud to be French citizens.”― Francois Hollande“Nothing was given to me, nothing was entrusted to me, nothing was assigned to me. Everything I have, I took by right.”― Francois Hollande“I don’t want to drive the markets crazy. I don’t want to create trouble, but rather order and rules and norms. We have to struggle against financial excesses, those who speculate with sovereign debt, those who develop financial products which have done so much harm.”― Francois Hollande“My obligation, if I become president, is to give another direction to Europe than the one that is being forced upon us today.”― Francois Hollande“There’s always a risk when the candidate becomes president: Will he deliver what is expected of him?”― Francois Hollande“What the French want is coherence, stability and justice. If I am in a favorable position today, it’s because my fellow citizens want to make the effort to straighten out the country, and at the same time they want it to be just and equitable.”― Francois Hollande“I am the president of the youth of France.”― Francois Hollande“There is just one France… one single nation, united in the same destiny.”― Francois Hollande“The British have been particularly shy about the issues of financial regulation, and attentive only to the interests of the City – hence their reluctance to see the introduction of a tax on financial transactions and tax harmonisation in Europe.”― Francois Hollande“I am attached to the French language. I will defend the ubiquitous use of French.”― Francois Hollande“I want to initiate a change in society in the long term.”― Francois Hollande“I am proud to have been capable of giving people hope again.”― Francois Hollande“Before you, I engage myself to serve my country with the devotion and the exemplary that this post demands. I understand responsibilities of the job and, as such, I give a republican salute to Nicolas Sarkozy who has led France for 5 years and who deserves all of our respect.”― Francois Hollande“Austerity need not be Europe’s fate.”― Francois Hollande“That is now my mission: to provide a European vision of growth, employment, prosperity – in one word, our future.”― Francois Hollande“Is France a northern European export powerhouse, or a Mediterranean indebted and dependent economy? Yes to both.”― Francois Hollande“I gave myself an objective, to be the second president from Correze and finally to be the successor to Francois Mitterrand.”― Francois Hollande“France, after the month of May, will share trust with the current leadership of the United States which, on many subjects, has tended to take useful positions in our view.”― Francois Hollande“Nicolas Sarkozy said he could see a wave rising. For once he was right. The wave’s coming; it’s high, its strong, and it’s going to smack him in the face.”― Francois Hollande“I won’t wait until the end of my term to say I made mistakes at the beginning. That’s too late. I will try to adopt the proper behaviour, if the French give me the chance, right from the start.”― Francois Hollande“As a president I will be like the candidate that I am, a respectful candidate, a rallying candidate, a normal candidate for a normal presidency, at the service of the Republic.”― Francois Hollande“Each country has a soul, and France’s soul is equality.”― Francois Hollande“I could have made a fortune in cheeseburgers, but I finally chose politics.”― Francois Hollande“My real adversary has no name, no face, no party. It will never be elected, yet it governs – the adversary is the world of finance.”― Francois Hollande“My dear citizens, fellow citizens, French people, this 6th of May, have just chosen change by bringing me the presidency of the French republic. I feel the honor, which has been given to me and the task, the important task faced beyond – in front of you to serve my country.”― Francois Hollande“I commit myself to serve my country.”― Francois Hollande“I’m going to gather all the French people who want change.”― Francois Hollande“We are near, very near, to an end to the eurozone crisis… The worst – in the sense of the fear of the eurozone breaking up – is over. But the best isn’t there yet.”― Francois Hollande“We’re all taking part in this solidarity. The French, the Germans, just like all the Europeans in the ESM. Let’s stop thinking that there’s only one country who’s going to pay for the others. That’s false.”― Francois Hollande“I would like a UK fully engaged in Europe, but I can’t decide in place of the British. I see that for the moment they want to be more in retreat.”― Francois Hollande“What is happening in the Sahel for the past several months is that terrorists have structured themselves, have installed themselves. It’s not simply a menace for west Africa.”― Francois Hollande“An education program is, by definition, a societal program. Work should be done at school, rather than at home.”― Francois Hollande“Everyone says Francois Mitterrand had huge charisma. But before he was president they used to call him badly dressed, old, archaic and say he knew nothing about the economy… until the day he was elected. It’s called universal suffrage. When you’re elected, you become the person that embodies France.”― Francois Hollande“During a term in office there are highs and lows, but what counts is that the goal is set as well as the means to achieve it, and the force we put into getting results.”― Francois Hollande“France isn’t just any country in Europe, and its president is not an ordinary leader in the world. Sometimes directing or leading the way is not enough, he has to initiate policies, as Nicolas Sarkozy was able to demonstrate during his term.”― Francois Hollande“When I took part in European leaders summits, it was sometimes unpleasant for me to hear Romanian, Polish, Portuguese, and Italian friends speak English, although I admit that on an informal basis, first contacts can be made in this language. Nevertheless, I will defend everywhere the use of the French language.”― Francois Hollande“I perfectly understood President Obama’s attitude throughout the French presidential campaign. He had no reason to distance himself from Nicolas Sarkozy. It’s the basic solidarity that leaders who worked together owe to each other.”― Francois Hollande“One thing that makes France different from other countries is the tradition of social solidarity. People from all backgrounds and political positions are willing to contribute for services and protection of society as a whole – but on the condition that money is being spent effectively and that everyone is paying their part.”― Francois Hollande“Europe needs an engine, and the Franco-German motor has provided that when the two nations have converged on important topics during critical periods. But that partnership shouldn’t be a directorate for other EU members.”― Francois Hollande“We need the help of other member countries and leaders who, like us, want to see a change in Europe’s direction. That’s also my logic when I tell voters that electing me president will not only shape France’s future, but also initiate change across all of Europe.”― Francois Hollande“My goal is to put France back on its feet. I have to put this country back on its feet.”― Francois Hollande“I know where I’m going and I have told the French. I am sure if hope is there, we will be able to put France back on its feet… to live better in five years than we do today.”― Francois Hollande“I think that France has not made it clear enough recently to our German friends how important it is to introduce euro bonds as a tool against speculation. And how the necessary budget discipline needs to be accompanied by growth.”― Francois Hollande“I don’t want euro bonds that serve to mutualize the entire debt of the countries in the euro zone. That can only work in the longer-term. I want euro bonds to be used to finance targeted investments in future-oriented growth projects. It isn’t the same thing. Let’s call them ‘project bonds’ instead of euro bonds.”― Francois Hollande“If I become president, France will not continue with the same policies as under Nicolas Sarkozy – both in domestic policy and in foreign and European policy.”― Francois Hollande“Not in the constitution, but I would propose a law to the French parliament that provides for reducing the budget deficit year by year, until we have reached a balanced budget by 2017.”― Francois Hollande“I don’t like indecent, unearned wealth. But it is legitimate for an entrepreneur who has created something to make a good living.”― Francois Hollande“I am for a clear distinction between public and private life. I believe private matters should be regulated in private and I have asked those close to me to respect this.”― Francois Hollande“I have defended the interests of France at the G8 in Washington; afterwards I was at Chicago to announce the withdrawal of French troops from Afghanistan; I have participated in two European summits, so I have fully respected the engagements I made to the French.”― Francois Hollande“My mission is to put France back on its feet. The priority is employment. Efforts have to be made, but those efforts must be made fairly.”― Francois Hollande“I attach the greatest importance to an amplification of the peace efforts in the Middle East. I would also like to see a greater dialogue between the U.S. and the EU.”― Francois Hollande“The transatlantic relationship is vital for both our countries: France will remain a reliable ally of the United States. Nevertheless, ally does not mean aligned.”― Francois Hollande“The United Nations will be at the heart of our international activities. France will assume its full responsibilities at the Security Council by putting its status at the service of peace, respect for human rights and development.”― Francois Hollande“To be influential in tomorrow’s world, to defend our values and our development model, France needs Europe and Europe needs France.”― Francois Hollande“The British people have decided to leave. It is a sad decision but one which I respect. The vote puts the European Union in difficulties. It must recognise its shortfalls.”― Francois Hollande“Doesn’t everyone have their hair done?”― Francois Hollande“I do not like the rich.”― Francois Hollande“Sport allows people to come together, but politics divides people.”― Francois Hollande“I support the French team – I go to all their matches – but I don’t want to use sport for politics. That’s not good for sport or for politics.”― Francois Hollande“France, because it was attacked cowardly, shamelessly, violently, France will be merciless against the barbarians of Daesh.”― Francois Hollande“I bow down in memory of the victims, and I come to tell my Armenian friends that we will never forget the tragedies that your people has endured.”― Francois Hollande“France is no longer herself when she is folded in on herself, tormented by ignorance and intolerance. The country would plunge into decline if it refused to be itself, if it was afraid of the future, afraid of the world.”― Francois Hollande“The world owes an ecological debt to the African continent.”― Francois Hollande“It is intolerable that in our country citizens should feel so upset and under assault because of their religious choice that they would conclude that they have to hide.”― Francois Hollande“Transatlantic links are very important.”― Francois Hollande“The Republic will not be destroyed by terrorism.”― Francois Hollande“The Republic will destroy terrorism.”― Francois Hollande“Europe existed before Britain joined it.”― Francois Hollande“I can understand countries don’t want to join the euro, but they cannot impede the consolidation and strengthening of the eurozone.”― Francois Hollande“If Europe does not advance, it will fall or even be wiped out from the world map… My duty is to bring Europe out of its lethargy.”― Francois Hollande“I can’t separate the fight with terrorism and the fight against global warming. These are two big global challenges we have to face up to because we have to leave our children more than a world free of terror; we also owe them a planet protected from catastrophes.”― Francois Hollande“A country outside the euro zone cannot have a veto over countries in the euro zone.”― Francois Hollande“Muslims in France should be able to practice their religion freely and safely.”― Francois Hollande“I’ve got a thick skin.”― Francois Hollande“I don’t know if you can hear me, but I have heard you. I heard your willingness to change. Your force, your hope… and I want to tell you how grateful I am. Thank you, thank you, thank you, people of France.”― Francois Hollande“France wants Britain to remain in the E.U.; indeed, how can we imagine that friendly nation that is our ally and played a role on the international stage could be outside the E.U.?”― Francois Hollande“If the discussion centres on the essential principle of the E.U., the free movement of people and the ability to make decisions together, in that case, we don’t want treaty change.”― Francois Hollande“If there is not a united policy, this mechanism will not work: it will collapse, and it will… undoubtedly be the end of Schengen, the return of national borders.”― Francois Hollande“I will not give way because too many previous governments have backed down.”― Francois Hollande“I prefer that people remember me as a president who made reforms rather than a president who did nothing.”― Francois Hollande“I ask to be judged on the issue of unemployment.”― Francois Hollande“A compromise appears out of reach on the stripping of terrorists’ nationality.”― Francois Hollande“Islamist terrorism has declared war against us, against France, Europe, the entire world.”― Francois Hollande“France needs to improve training and education and the level of skills of its workforce.”― Francois Hollande“The real threat comes from terrorism.”― Francois Hollande“When we live longer, we must work a little bit longer.”― Francois Hollande“It’s not for Germany to decide for the rest of Europe.”― Francois Hollande“My security is assured everywhere, and at any moment.”― Francois Hollande“When I travel officially… and when I travel on a private basis, I have protection that is less suffocating. But I am protected everywhere.”― Francois Hollande“Everyone must be in the same competitive situation, including on the fiscal level.”― Francois Hollande“China… has the capacity to ensure its stability and growth.”― Francois Hollande“The extremists wanted to divide France; it came together.”― Francois Hollande“There cannot be any concessions on the matter of human rights or the criteria for visa liberalisation.”― Francois Hollande“There must be protection of the external borders.”― Francois Hollande“To resolve the climate crisis, good will, statements of intent are not enough. We are at breaking point.”― Francois Hollande“Our enemy in Syria is Daesh: it’s not about containing but destroying this organisation.”― Francois Hollande“Daesh is the enemy of Europe, and Europe cannot live with the idea that the crises that surround it don’t have an effect on it.”― Francois Hollande“The migrant question is directly linked to the crisis in Syria and Iraq.”― Francois Hollande“The fight against global warming is a humanitarian issue – how the planet can be preserved – and it is also an issue of considerable economic importance, of what we call green growth.”― Francois Hollande“Very strong declarations were made by those countries who are most responsible for global warming… the United States and China, which undertook commitments towards changing the situation.”― Francois Hollande“Make no mistake: we will win, and groups like ISIL will lose.”― Francois Hollande“Europe must be understood and controlled by its citizens.”― Francois Hollande“Europe must act quickly where it’s needed and must, once and for all, let member states handle what is their exclusive domain.”― Francois Hollande“I noticed that parts of the opposition have been hostile to any revision of the constitution.”― Francois Hollande“There must be pressure on Moscow so that we have negotiations. Moscow will not succeed by unilaterally backing Bashar al-Assad.”― Francois Hollande“We must do everything to ensure that the Euro 2016 is a success.”― Francois Hollande“We want the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union.”― Francois Hollande“France has been struck on the day of her national holiday – the 14th of July, Bastille Day – the symbol of liberty, because human rights are denied by fanatics, and France is clearly their target.”― Francois Hollande“We will continue to hit those who threaten us.”― Francois Hollande“Calling into question the Touquet deal on the pretext that Britain has voted for Brexit and will have to start negotiations to leave the union doesn’t make sense.”― Francois Hollande“We must not lose time, neither for dealing in a suitable way with the question of the United Kingdom’s exit, nor for providing a new impetus for the E.U.”― Francois Hollande“The concept of the terrorists is to plunge our country into division.”― Francois Hollande“We are absolutely clear: when these unaccompanied minors have a family link in the United Kingdom, then they must go to the United Kingdom. And they must go quickly and in an efficient fashion.”― Francois Hollande“Being in the European Union has its advantages, and I think that is what the British are beginning to understand, what those who are tempted by the Brexit are going to reflect upon.”― Francois Hollande“Faced with terror, France must be strong, it must be great, and the state authorities must be firm.”― Francois Hollande“What the terrorists want is to scare us and fill us with dread.”― Francois Hollande“Long live the Republic, and long live France.”― Francois Hollande“My policies are producing results and will produce even more.”― Francois Hollande“Things are going better: there is more growth, less deficit, more competitiveness, better margins for companies, more purchasing power for workers.”― Francois Hollande“Our biggest threat is not too much Europe, but too little.”― Francois Hollande“Our common responsibility is to put Europe’s interests first.”― Francois Hollande“The best thing the Democrats can do is to get Hillary Clinton elected.”― Francois Hollande“Whatever happened during the French presidential campaign will leave no hard feelings. I perfectly understand why Angela Merkel supported Nicolas Sarkozy because of the action they have taken together, even though I have questioned its results, and because of their shared political sensibility.”― Francois Hollande“As much as I believe in the Franco-German partnership, I question the idea of a duopoly. European construction is based on a well-balanced and respectful partnership between France and Germany.”― Francois Hollande“The partnerships between Schmidt and Giscard, Kohl and Mitterrand, and even between Chirac and Schroeder, have proved that political differences do not mean that we cannot work together.”― Francois Hollande“The first time that I went to the United States was in 1974. I was 20 years old. America was in crisis.”― Francois Hollande“Our only goal is to strengthen the opposition and to avoid the dilemma whereby we only have the choice between Bashar Assad and al-Qaeda.”― Francois Hollande“In August 2012, the international community should have been far more determined in dealing with the Bashar Assad regime.”― Francois Hollande“I must demonstrate I’m closer to people – a simpler, calmer presence, yet someone who can also make decisions and obtain promised results.”― Francois Hollande“People are tired of constant movement, improvisation, and wild scrambling when plans fail.”― Francois Hollande“People need to see signs of equal treatment across society.”― Francois Hollande“Private life is always, at certain times, a challenge.”― Francois Hollande“In my own situation, I cannot show anything… And I believe that everybody now understands that, president or not president, one is entitled to have a private life. But of course when one is president, this creates duties and obligations.”― Francois Hollande
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