“Stand straight, walk proud, have a little faith.”
― Garth Brooks
“I just love to see people having a good time.”
― Garth Brooks
“That smell of freshly cut grass makes me think of Friday night football in high school. The smell of popcorn and cigar smoke reminds me of the stadium. The cutting of the grass reminds me of the August practice.”
― Garth Brooks
“Thank God I’m with the love of my life. That’s why I know I’m right where I’m supposed to be.”
― Garth Brooks
“Any pitcher who might throw at me should know I’m not giving up my day job or trying to get anyone else’s job. I just can’t think of anything cooler than being one of the boys of summer!”
― Garth Brooks
“Here’s my whole marketing idea: treat people the way you want to be treated.”
― Garth Brooks
“In advertising, you have a small window to say the most you can. That’s what songwriting is. The difference is, you get to put the leaves on the trees and colour ’em in.”
― Garth Brooks
“One of the greatest gifts we have is our own mistakes and somebody singing about them.”
― Garth Brooks
“No matter what you say you might do, you never really know until you’re in the moment. Every situation is so different.”
― Garth Brooks
“The greatest conflicts are not between two people but between one person and himself.”
― Garth Brooks
“I’d love to play a villain in a movie, the kind of bad guy you would never think of me being able to play. Like most people, I have a darker side I’d like to explore onscreen.”
― Garth Brooks
“People aren’t always themselves. They’re always holding back something.”
― Garth Brooks
“You can’t succeed if you don’t know what losing is.”
― Garth Brooks
“I’m very square and proud of it. The flag stays on the porch here.”
― Garth Brooks
“I wrote ‘The River’ practically trying to rip off every lick that James Taylor had, so it was neat to hear him sing those lyrics because that’s who inspired you to write them.”
― Garth Brooks
“I spend all my time right now trying to combat music retail and copyright.”
― Garth Brooks
“True country music is honesty, sincerity, and real life to the hilt.”
― Garth Brooks
“I wouldn’t trade a thing. Even the troubles that I had. I have become the husband and mate to my wife that I have because of what I went through, including the bad times. I wouldn’t trade that.”
― Garth Brooks
“I’d much rather have the honesty than not. Because if you will say what’s on your mind and get it off your chest, then the sooner I can prove you wrong!”
― Garth Brooks
“Sometimes I thank God… for cheeseburgers.”
― Garth Brooks
“It’s funny how a chubby kid can just be having fun, and people call it entertainment!”
― Garth Brooks
“With Ghost Tunes, you just try to do what’s right. And what’s right is whatever the copyright owner wants to do with their music, they do it.”
― Garth Brooks
“Just keep taking chances and having fun.”
― Garth Brooks
“If I have any talent at all it’s from God, and my mom, who was on Capitol Records also.”
― Garth Brooks
“I love being a part of country music. I love going out and… doing things for the first time for country music. I always enjoy that.”
― Garth Brooks
“Once you’ve figured out how to wait on people and clean toilets, it makes you very mindful of how you treat the people who are serving you.”
― Garth Brooks
“I go home, and I’m a blob. I just lay there and don’t do anything – lay by the pool with the other husbands while the wives work. It’s fantastic. It’s really good. That’s kind of our life at home.”
― Garth Brooks
“Before the show, we see all these radio people, and most of them say, ‘Garth, you’re a lot calmer than I thought you were gonna be.’ But when the members of the band give one another that handshake, and the lights go out, and the crowd goes up, then you’re sliding into the elevator, man, your heart is just going bopbopbopbopbop.”
― Garth Brooks
“If the artists would just keep hammering away – unify, stick together – then music will become the king again, which is what it should be.”
― Garth Brooks
“I’m much too young to feel this damn old.”
― Garth Brooks
“When I went to see Kansas and Queen and Styx, I don’t even remember the music. But I know what I saw.”
― Garth Brooks
“Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.”
― Garth Brooks
“Any time I’m in a moving thing, like an airplane, I’m usually asleep before we even get on our way.”
― Garth Brooks
“As a kid, before I could play music, I remember baseball being the one thing that could always make me happy.”
― Garth Brooks
“Because of the changes in the Padres team I played with last year, I felt like a veteran recently when I worked out with Jason Kendall and he told me he’s liked listening to my records since he was a kid!”
― Garth Brooks
“Don’t change a thing. That’s one of the best gimmicks a band could ever come up with.”
― Garth Brooks
“I don’t know of too many double Christmas albums, so it is something that’s new, and hopefully will be fun, and there’s plenty of stuff out there to cut.”
― Garth Brooks
“I got an offer in 1992 to buy a major-league team. I turned down the offer because I don’t want my love of the game to involve business.”
― Garth Brooks
“I like to follow my favorite team and talk sports with my band or fans. You won’t believe how many musicians are sports fans. We have so much time on tour that we need these outlets for relaxation.”
― Garth Brooks
“I want to get within myself and write. I really, really want to write.”
― Garth Brooks
“I wouldn’t mind producing a movie with a music storyline, but acting in one is too close to home.”
― Garth Brooks
“I’d like to think a baseball picture is somewhere in my future.”
― Garth Brooks
“I’m a big movie fan. After a show, if I’m on the bus or a plane, it’s often hard to get to sleep, so I’ll watch a film. An action film can even relax me.”
― Garth Brooks
“I’ve been taking batting practice in my barn where nobody can see me, so I may be better than anyone thinks.”
― Garth Brooks
“It would have been fun to have played Tim Robbins’ role in Bull Durham.”
― Garth Brooks
“Whatever I do, I hope it’s quality, I hope it’s something that’s class.”
― Garth Brooks
“While I’m playing baseball, I’m still writing songs and having tapes sent to me. I’m sure I’ll spend a lot of time in the whirlpool resting these tired bones, so I’ll be thinking of music then.”
― Garth Brooks
“You know me, I’ve got to find some way to get a fresh fire.”
― Garth Brooks
“The guys have told me not to quit my day job.”
― Garth Brooks
“You aren’t wealthy until you have something money can’t buy.”
― Garth Brooks
“I believe in the ‘Wal-Mart’ school of business. The less people pay, the more they enjoy it.”
― Garth Brooks
“Happiness isn’t getting what you want, it’s wanting what you got.”
― Garth Brooks
“If God came down here with the box that had the reason for living in it, I’d like to find just 2 words: The Music. That would be neat.”
― Garth Brooks
“There’s a difference between knowing what’s on the page in a history book and actually feeling that page have curves and valleys.”
― Garth Brooks
“I remember in the ’80s, Randy Travis was my guy. He’s the reason I moved to Nashville, and I just loved him. But at some point when he was winning everything, you find yourself pulling for other people.”
― Garth Brooks
“I still use the guitar pretty much just to hide my gut.”
― Garth Brooks
“You know Nashville, there’s people that are ten times more talented than me, ten times better singer than me, song writer than me, but for some reason you get the ball and now – and now you run with it. And you do the best you can.”
― Garth Brooks
“My hardest thing was to let go, to be happy for everybody and just to enjoy. And go back to being what you were before you became an artist, and that was just a fan.”
― Garth Brooks
“I try to do my best.”
― Garth Brooks
“Nashville, there’s people that are ten times more talented than me, ten times better singer than me, song writer than me, but for some reason you get the ball, and now – and now you run with it. And you do the best you can.”
― Garth Brooks
“The most important days, more than any Grammy award thing or anything, is the day that you’re responsible for snacks after the game.”
― Garth Brooks
“If we see too much of one person, even though we like that person, we start to kind of pull for other people.”
― Garth Brooks
“In our house, everyone’s opinion is welcome. I grew up in a house where everything wasn’t when it came to politics or religion.”
― Garth Brooks
“My father and brothers were in the military.”
― Garth Brooks
“I am the last guy that wants to quit making music.”
― Garth Brooks
“That’s what you want to do as an older artist – you want to reinvent, but there has to be that vein in there for why people were listening to you before in the first place.”
― Garth Brooks
“How many songs in your life were your favorite songs but never were singles on albums?”
― Garth Brooks
“The hardest part about this business is accepting the back end with the same love that you accepted the front end.”
― Garth Brooks
“People said, ‘How could you walk away from music?’ But being a dad – there’s nothing that can touch that.”
― Garth Brooks
“I don’t care if people remember Garth Brooks.”
― Garth Brooks
“I’m one of those guys who has to have a constant something going inside and in front of my face. If not, I get in trouble.”
― Garth Brooks
“Be with someone who is kind. I think that’s it. Just to love one another was the thing I would want to do. It’s a thing that you can’t stop doing.”
― Garth Brooks
“I live my life by these little church signs you see as you drive around, and there’s one near me that says, ‘If we really knew each other, we would neither idolise nor condemn.’ And that’s it: if we all knew each other, then we wouldn’t treat anybody any different. And there wouldn’t be any big stars, I guess.”
― Garth Brooks
“I can take the steel guitars and fiddles off, we can make it a little more pop, cover ideas that are a little less cowboy. But you got to look at yourself in the mirror and ask, whose flag you are under? For Garth Brooks, I’m steel, fiddles, red, white and blue.”
― Garth Brooks
“It’s the sweetest thing to be a parent of a daughter. When they hit their twenties, they become these lovebugs that come back. It’s just so sweet.”
― Garth Brooks
“My retiring days are behind me – they’re going to have to throw me out now.”
― Garth Brooks
“What you do on tour is you build this ‘You and me against the world’ thing.”
― Garth Brooks
“You can’t deny RCA’s past and its history. I was also on Capitol Records, so I have that past history.”
― Garth Brooks
“I feel very lucky to get to fly the flag of RCA Records and Sony Music.”
― Garth Brooks
“I don’t think the label makes the artist or the artist makes the label. It’s the music that makes everything work or not.”
― Garth Brooks
“The dads across the soccer field looked at me as a dad just like them. And I was very grateful.”
― Garth Brooks
“There’s always hunger to create because I believe that’s what I do. I believe that’s what I’m supposed to be doing.”
― Garth Brooks
“Why I got into music was James Taylor, so to see him be a real down-to-earth guy that’s unbelievably talented… then to hear him sing those lyrics of ‘What I’m Thankful For,’ which is a song Ms. Yearwood and I got to write together, that was definitely a highlight of my recording life.”
― Garth Brooks
“Awards are for young people. They just are.”
― Garth Brooks
“I introduce her as the love of my life everywhere that we go. She introduces me as her current husband. So you can see how the relationship kinda works here.”
― Garth Brooks
“No offense to music – thank you for Entertainer of the Year and all that stuff. But if you’re a father or a mother, there’s nothing that beats being a parent, and that’s the best time of my life right there.”
― Garth Brooks
“We’re just a real dirty band. We’re raw, and we’re rough. None of us are top-scale, top-line musicians. But I tell you what, you get your top-line musicians and see if they can entertain like us.”
― Garth Brooks
“I was lucky enough to go home and raise our babies.”
― Garth Brooks
“I don’t think it’s changed that much when you go on the principle if Garth introduced more rock into country music, then Florida Georgia Line’s gonna introduce more dance and more beat-driven stuff into country music. That’s just how it’s gonna go. So whatever influences you as a kid, you’re gonna put in your music.”
― Garth Brooks
“If you’re true to yourself, you just do what you do.”
― Garth Brooks
“Music should always be first.”
― Garth Brooks
“The great thing about albums is it gives you a lot of choices, and we can all say that the album business is dead, but watch Taylor Swift. I don’t think it’s dead. I just think we’ve got to hit on the energies that make people want to collect albums.”
― Garth Brooks
“I’m gonna stay an album guy. In fact, concept albums are really blowing my mind right now, because if you want to promote an album, think about it – a concept album might be the way to go.”
― Garth Brooks
“All the artists out there, I ask you and beg you: Take over your ship. It’s your career. It’s your life.”
― Garth Brooks
“Your band members? Your band members don’t want to be tied to a machine. They want to be playing. That’s what the Beatles did. And the Beatles’ stuff is timeless. That’s what I would suggest. Just get back to sweating, playing hard, hammering, and having a blast.”
― Garth Brooks
“I’m worried a lot of our work day as artists is a producer’s creation – not an artist’s creation.”
― Garth Brooks
“Country music is what is sincere; that’s the main thing.”
― Garth Brooks
“I spend most of my time at concerts hoping for that one second that the artist looks at me, I look at the artist, and that’s when I get to say, ‘Thank you.’”
― Garth Brooks
“Doing new stuff live is tough just simply because I pay my money, I stand in my seats, and I see the guys I love. And if I paid that ticket, there’s a good chance that I’m there to hear the stuff that made me fall in love with ’em – we call it the ‘old stuff.’”
― Garth Brooks
“Music keeps you eternally young. It just does.”
― Garth Brooks
“What I love about ‘Midnight Train’ is that it’s a song about a journey, but the music actually takes you on that journey. It feels like you’re moving through the whole song.”
― Garth Brooks
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