“I like to stay busy. I am a workaholic, and I like to be creative.”
― Glenn Danzig
“No trick or treaters came to my house for Halloween. For some reason, people around here are scared of me.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I don’t see any holy wars being fought in the name of Satan.”
― Glenn Danzig
“It’s what’s missing, I think, from most music – the rebellious part. That rebelliousness is part of great rock music or great literature or any great creative stuff.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I don’t like a lot of drama on the road – I don’t like prima donnas.”
― Glenn Danzig
“People don’t realize that they’re being played by the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, but more so by the Democratic Party because the Democratic Party does not want another party in there.”
― Glenn Danzig
“My attitude with covers is, make it your own or else leave it alone.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I always want to do – take everything and take it to the next step. I don’t want to just keep doing something the same ol’ thing. Obviously, I could have wrote ‘Mother’ 20 times and made tons of money and be playing gigantic arenas and whatever, but that’s not really what I want to do.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I like being out onstage in front of everybody, getting that energy and giving that energy. Hopefully I am making them forget about all their problems in the world. For however many hours they are at our show, hopefully they are going to have a great time, and it makes life a little more bearable for everybody involved.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I was bringing my attitude as a regular person ’cause this is my attitude.”
― Glenn Danzig
“It seems like time slips out of your hands. You wake up, and 2-3 years have passed.”
― Glenn Danzig
“If I can make people forget whatever they’re dealing with for an hour and a half, two hours every night, that’s nice.”
― Glenn Danzig
“To some people heavy metal is Motorhead and to others it’s Judas Priest.”
― Glenn Danzig
“In Japan, they have TV sets in cars right now, where you can punch up traffic routes, weather, everything! You can get Internet access already in cars in Japan, so within the next 2 to 3 years it’s gonna be so crazy!”
― Glenn Danzig
“I just told you I wasn’t a Satanist.”
― Glenn Danzig
“You know I take music seriously, right? So I expect journalists to take being a journalist seriously.”
― Glenn Danzig
“But unfortunately, I have to say, one out of every 100 interviews I do, I get a real journalist.”
― Glenn Danzig
“Of course, I started really being a comics fan with the underground stuff in the ’70s.”
― Glenn Danzig
“Yeah, now we publish whenever we feel like it.”
― Glenn Danzig
“We probably put about four or five comic books out a year and probably about two or three art books and various trade paperbacks – maybe four or five of those a year – and that’s what we do now.”
― Glenn Danzig
“We still have pretty good sales, especially for the art books.”
― Glenn Danzig
“Whether I’m doing music or I’m walking down the street or I’m in a record store buying a record or I walk into a comic store and I’m buying comics or having a drink with my friends, it’s the same me.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I think the key to being a journalist is getting your subject to feel comfortable enough to talk about stuff they want to talk about and the stuff they like and don’t like, and still feel comfortable about it.”
― Glenn Danzig
“We’re doing Circle of Snakes, we open up with Skin Carver and we are throwing in Skull Forest later on.”
― Glenn Danzig
“We’ve had a lot of agencies try and sabotage our tour.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I’m just saying that at least for the foreseeable future there won’t be any more touring.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I know they are going to be doing a box set in Europe of Danzig 5 and 6 and some other stuff.”
― Glenn Danzig
“But the Danzig unreleased stuff will be either a single or a double CD.”
― Glenn Danzig
“Until the contract is signed, nothing is real.”
― Glenn Danzig
“It’s not like that anymore really, but back in the day, nobody would let the Misfits open up for them, not the Ramones, not the Cramps, nobody.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I don’t think there’s a back lot here in Hollywood anymore that has those streets, like a French Quarter.”
― Glenn Danzig
“The Democratic party has gone so far to the left that people just can’t relate to it anymore and the Republican party is trying to go totally to the right.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I wish the Libertarian Party would get more play in the media but they don’t.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I think the Democratic Party has picked a lot of the wrong candidates, the kind that Middle America, or people who are more down the middle and more rational, can’t side with. I think that’s been the problem.”
― Glenn Danzig
“Wars have always started over religion.”
― Glenn Danzig
“So writing a song is much harder than doing a classical piece for me, because in a classical piece, I can just let the mood dictate what’s going to happen.”
― Glenn Danzig
“But when you get to a song, not only do you have to do a vocal melody, you have to write words and not be redundant and make some semblance of a story.”
― Glenn Danzig
“Al Gore wanted to tell people what they could listen to and what they couldn’t, what they could record. It was basically coming down to the idea that he wouldn’t let anybody record any music that he didn’t think you should be doing. There was going to be an organization that would tell you what you could and couldn’t record.”
― Glenn Danzig
“My view on Democrats is that they’re fascists disguised as liberals, or liberal moderates. You’re not allowed to say anything they don’t agree with. You’re not allowed to do anything.”
― Glenn Danzig
“My idea of covers is that you should never cover a song and do it exactly like the artist because everyone’s always going to compare it to the way the original artists did it, and they’re just going to go, ‘Oh I like the original better.’”
― Glenn Danzig
“If you’re working with a producer like Rick Rubin or whatever, you sing each line probably 30 different ways. Each time, they’re like, ‘Can you try it this way? Can you try it that way?’ That’s each line in the song, for each song.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I don’t really go to the beach.”
― Glenn Danzig
“When I grew up as a kid, a part of my life – I grew up in Boston near Revere Beach, at my grandma’s, and she would take me to the beach.”
― Glenn Danzig
“Everyone thinks L.A. is the beach. And actually, Hollywood is really far from the beach.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I just play music, you know what I mean? That’s what I want to spend my time talking about.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I was watching TV once, and ‘Jailhouse Rock’ comes on, and I’m like, ‘What is this?’ I started watching it, and at the end, I thought, ‘This is what I want to do. That’s what I want to be. That’s for me. That’s it!’”
― Glenn Danzig
“I hadn’t done a photo cover in a while, and I decided to do a take on the ‘Pin Ups’ cover, but do it in skull face and have the girl in skull face. People seem to dig it.”
― Glenn Danzig
“However you feel about Dimebag, this is one of the most influential metal guitar players of the ’90s. I was just talking to someone that I am hiring to bring on the tour who said that, when he was at the funeral, that Eddie Van Halen came and put his striped guitar in the coffin. That’s a pretty big deal.”
― Glenn Danzig
“You’d be surprised the type of people who are into metal when you see them. Sometimes I’m even surprised, but it’s cool. That’s the reason it’s still around.”
― Glenn Danzig
“Whether or not the devil is really good or evil is something that we don’t really know.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I had a situation where Bill Clinton sent the F.B.I. after me.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I’m a big Fred Armisen fan.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I like Bill Murray a real lot. I like Andy Kaufman.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I don’t think anyone in my family was funny.”
― Glenn Danzig
“Sometimes on a tour bus, we watch comedy when it’s slow.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I don’t think any punk bands really ever got their due.”
― Glenn Danzig
“So many big magazines just dissed the whole punk thing as nothing, but really, it was a big thing. It really changed, and that’s what we wanted to do – change the system.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I’ve seen a bunch of the ‘Portlandia’ episodes, and they’re pretty hilarious.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I like the original Metallica version they did on ‘Garage Days’ – ‘Last Caress’ and ‘Green Hell.’”
― Glenn Danzig
“I love giving the energy and getting the energy back. There is nothing like it.”
― Glenn Danzig
“Although I have been pretty vocal about hating touring, the only part of touring I don’t like is being on the bus and bouncing around.”
― Glenn Danzig
“Two hours onstage… that’s the best part because it makes it all worth it.”
― Glenn Danzig
“The thing that has never changed is I do what I want to do. If I can’t do what I want to do, I don’t want to do it.”
― Glenn Danzig
“When I write, I write the drum beat. Though sometimes I write on piano or guitar.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I hate iPods.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I like albums. I like holding them, seeing what they’re all about, you know? I like reading liner notes. Even if it’s a CD, you’re getting kind of an idea of what the band is coming from. Or what they want you to think they’re coming from. I like that.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I don’t even listen to music on the road, and if I did, it would be classical or whatever, something to chill me out.”
― Glenn Danzig
“CDs sound so much better than MP3s. I’m sure they’ll come out with a better format someday.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I’m lucky that I can stay busy and people are interested in what I do. I have fantastic people that are into whatever I do, which is great. I try to keep myself happy and them happy.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I’ve always tried to expand what heavy or loud music was and where it can go and what it can do.”
― Glenn Danzig
“The most rebelliousness I see now is coming out of WikiLeaks and D.C. Leaks and BlackListed News.”
― Glenn Danzig
“All that pop that you see on the radio? It’s just the worst crud I’ve ever heard in my life. It’s designed to make money, and that’s about it.”
― Glenn Danzig
“Pop music doesn’t challenge anything.”
― Glenn Danzig
“For me, it shouldn’t just be a live show: it should be an experience. It should be some kind of crazy, tribal, exhausting experience.”
― Glenn Danzig
“Back in the days, we had to work with a shoestring budget. We had a movie screen, and we’d show movie trailers on them, and then we’d rip through it and started playing. Now we have a little money to play with to do a cool stage set.”
― Glenn Danzig
“It’s pretty crazy the amount of people that have covered my songs.”
― Glenn Danzig
“It’s funny I’m talking to ‘Rolling Stone’ right now, because back then, it was like, ‘Punk rock? Put it back. It’s just a flash in the pan.’”
― Glenn Danzig
“David Bowie’s death came out of the blue, as did Prince’s.”
― Glenn Danzig
“If you’re a music fan, you think these artists will be here forever, but you should enjoy them while they’re here, because you never know what will happen.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I’m a workaholic, and so I’ve always got to be doing stuff.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I try to work out, but a lot of hotels don’t have gyms anymore, so I always try to find a local gym where there’s not a ton of ‘roid-heads, ’cause I can’t stand them. It’s tough.”
― Glenn Danzig
“Diet is really important, and I think vitamins are really important, also.”
― Glenn Danzig
“If I can help it, I don’t go to modern doctors.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I don’t know that I’m not normal, because usually, when I tell people the things I do, either their jaw drops or they look at me shocked, but I’m sure I do normal things – everyone eats, that kind of stuff.”
― Glenn Danzig
“It really annoys me when the light turns green, and you’re behind somebody, and they’re just sitting there looking at the light for about 15, 20 seconds.”
― Glenn Danzig
“It’s annoying when someone’s in front of you driving ten miles an hour, and you’re like, ‘Okay, today,’ and someone else is on the side of you, so you can’t pass them, and when you finally do pass them and they are texting, the laser cannons just come out and disintegrate that car.”
― Glenn Danzig
“My opinion of covers is that unless you’re going to change and take a cover in a new direction, it’s gonna get put up against the old one, and you’re gonna lose. It’s like, which would you rather listen to? The Righteous Brothers’ ‘Loving Feeling’ or Hall and Oates’ ‘Loving Feeling?’”
― Glenn Danzig
“When your car rattles when you drive, you know you are playing cool music.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I have an old Shelby ’68 Mustang that I don’t drive.”
― Glenn Danzig
“Comics are a dying art. If you ask a little kid to choose between a video game with insane graphics or comic books… you have to compete with cable, satellite TV with its thousands of channels, and with video games that are like movies, with CGI explosions where you can blow up worlds.”
― Glenn Danzig
“Comics are printed on paper, which is expensive, making it tough to stay in business.”
― Glenn Danzig
“While I am here, I want to maximize my time on this planet, you know.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I love the energy, and I just love watching people lose their minds and be happy and exhilarated. There is nothing like it.”
― Glenn Danzig
“If there’s going to be another Misfits record, I’d probably have to write the stuff.”
― Glenn Danzig
“America was founded on satanism.”
― Glenn Danzig
“We’re one of the only bands that get censored for theological commentary.”
― Glenn Danzig
“It started getting too crazy with ‘Earth A.D.’ The concepts started becoming too brutal and violent. It was less about fiction and more about the real world, the past, present, and future. I think a lot of people got freaked out by that.”
― Glenn Danzig
“My image is dark and sombre. It fits my personality. The problem I always had with the people in the Misfits was that it was a put-on. You wouldn’t see those guys walking around like that.”
― Glenn Danzig
“Anyone who knows me or my past knows that I never walk away from a fight.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I don’t follow trends. I just do what I like doing.”
― Glenn Danzig
“As a little kid watching horror movies, if you only got to see the monster for the last two minutes of the movie, I thought that movie pretty much sucked.”
― Glenn Danzig
“The occult – what do you mean, Jesus? That’s occult to me. It’s so far-fetched, it’s ridiculous.”
― Glenn Danzig
“The choruses are important for me. I want to say something, and sing-along is great.”
― Glenn Danzig
“Some of the best sing-along stuff you’ll ever hear is Gary Glitter.”
― Glenn Danzig
“I know kids like Beavis and Butt-head.”
― Glenn Danzig
“Sometimes I was like Beavis and Butt-head growing up. I know people who lit their friend’s house on fire accidentally.”
― Glenn Danzig
“When I started Samhain, I remember a producer telling me that I had a real band now.”
― Glenn Danzig
“Anyone who knows me, and most of my fans, know that I have a sense of humor.”
― Glenn Danzig
“A long time ago, Prince said that no musician is ever gonna make money off the Internet, and he was right.”
― Glenn Danzig
“On Sirius, I can find anything I want. They have about four or five different metal channels, rock channels; there’s a whole Elvis channel.”
― Glenn Danzig
“Growing up, just singing in bands, I didn’t have the same kind of voice as everyone else.”
― Glenn Danzig
“There’s all kinds of schisms in Satanism, but the thing I like about it is the quest for knowledge.”
― Glenn Danzig
“What irritates me are bands that pretend they’ve never heard of the Misfits or Danzig, but they’ve got the skeleton shirt.”
― Glenn Danzig
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