“Parenting is not giving your child everything they want. Parenting is not being your child’s friend. Parenting is about preparing your child to be a useful and respectful person in society.”
― GloZell
“Voting is super important, and your vote counts.”
― GloZell
“Now my haters are very high class people, so I feel like I’ve moved up.”
― GloZell
“There will be another book, more stories, more life experiences, so I’m ready; bring it on!”
― GloZell
“Rebecca Black ‘Friday’ song is the best song ever! Don’t you agree!”
― GloZell
“I comment on my friends’ things; whatever they post, I post funny posts. I don’t post anything that’s too sad or mad, or at least not for too long. And I’m usually just a happy person! Silly – people would describe me as silly and crazy and fun.”
― GloZell
“Your ideas and the things that you do are dumb and stupid and make no sense – until you start getting recognized and making money. Then you’re a genius.”
― GloZell
“My parenting heroes are the Obamas! They’ve been married for so long, and it looks like they’re having fun, and their kids are down to earth, well-adjusted, and smart. They seem to have a strong family unit that I would like to emulate in my life.”
― GloZell
“Appreciate your body now. One day, you’ll look back and regret all the time you wasted worrying about not looking perfect, because you were perfect the whole time.”
― GloZell
“I love ‘Sky Whale!’ I play it in bed, I play it in church, I even play it on the toilet!”
― GloZell
“I’m known for being silly and fun and lighthearted.”
― GloZell
“I’ve learned how to exist and get work done when you’re exhausted. I’ve finally gotten to that level, because at first I had no idea how I was going to do it.”
― GloZell
“Hello this is Glozell! Is you OK? Is you? Good, cause I wanted to know!”
― GloZell
“My guilty pleasure is vanilla cupcakes! I love cupcakes! I love cupcakes. When it’s really bad, it’s 12 per day. I’ve fallen asleep with cupcake in my mouth, like, frosting all over my mouth. More than – several times.”
― GloZell
“This girl just kept staring at me, and I was like, ‘What in the world is wrong with her?’ That’s when I knew, this YouTube thing is something.”
― GloZell
“Sometimes online, there are what we call trolls or bullies that want to leave negative comments. That’s just because they feel bad about themselves, and they want to spread that.”
― GloZell
“I’m excited. I’m nervous. I’m having a girl! Baby weaves and green lipstick, here we come!”
― GloZell
“The Kesha Lyrics to hit song ‘Tik Tok’ are a cry for help.”
― GloZell
“Today’s new age parenting guarantees you’ll hear children screaming, whining, and begging for items and attention in an airplane, store or any other public place.”
― GloZell
“Learn to cook. The way to someone’s heart is through their stomach, whether for a friend or a significant other.”
― GloZell
“Please take the time to leave something kind, or don’t leave it at all. You know? That’s an option, also.”
― GloZell
“My momma says whenever you go to somebody’s house, you have to give them something. Don’t come empty-handed.”
― GloZell
“My weave fell off. I was running in PE, and it got caught in a tree. People were looking at me funny.”
― GloZell
“Moms are always looking for content that’s clean and fun – and that you don’t mind watching over and over.”
― GloZell
“My mom is floored! She’s so proud. I always wanted to do a channel that incorporates songs for younger kids.”
― GloZell
“I’m usually – I’m working by myself.”
― GloZell
“Kids do their own thing. We let them be real kids. You get an immediate response – if they don’t like the music, they don’t do it.”
― GloZell
“I’m doing it. I’m going to become a mom.”
― GloZell
“The surrogate is feeling pregnant! And a little sick. She thinks it’s a girl.”
― GloZell
“I actually started my YouTube channel by accident! I was growing a fan base without even knowing it, and it’s all in my book ‘Is You Okay?’”
― GloZell
“My community grew on social media because I don’t exclude anybody from any walk of life. The videos that I create are seen throughout the world and are funny no matter what language you speak.”
― GloZell
“I stand out because I’m usually the first to create a trend or make an existing trend unique in my own way. Plus I look and sound different then most people on the Internet and have the most recognizable lips in cyberspace.”
― GloZell
“My biggest challenges when I first started out were not having a computer or camera or Wi-Fi! The computer and the camera had to be borrowed, and there were times that I used the computer at the library, and I literally sat outside people’s houses to steal their Internet connections.”
― GloZell
“Security doesn’t know who us YouTubers are, but they know who Justin Bieber is.”
― GloZell
“Someone is always taking a video of me or snapping a photo.”
― GloZell
“She is always going to be Diana Ross; she doesn’t have to put out another album to keep at it. I’m not Diana, but people know me from the stuff that I’ve done. And that stuff, those videos, live forever and will continue to be discovered by a new users.”
― GloZell
“I only started uploading on YouTube because I was having trouble one day uploading a video on my blog.”
― GloZell
“Everyone told me to sleep when the baby sleeps, but she sleeps during the daytime, and that’s when I have to get stuff done! I’ve been a zombie.”
― GloZell
“Sometimes she wants her pacifier, and other times, she doesn’t even want it near her. She’s very strong and determined. She’s always trying to stand, and she was born with her eyes open, so she’s ready to go.”
― GloZell
“I love to make people laugh, and I believe that laughter and song are the best way to help young children learn.”
― GloZell
“I’m really excited about working with Bunim/Murray and PB&J to unleash the power of ‘GloBugz’ on the universe.”
― GloZell
“Everything isn’t just gonna be okay. It doesn’t just have to be good.”
― GloZell
“Learn how to make your own weaves. It will help you save a lot of money in the long run!”
― GloZell
“Exercise! It’s important for your health. And just remember that what you see on Instagram isn’t reality.”
― GloZell
“Those that don’t know that I’ve gone through so many IVF treatments, and I’ve gone through six cycles to get this child, that’s on its way via surrogate, biological child – and it’s been great.”
― GloZell
“I’m so thankful that there are people willing to do that – to actually carry a child nine months for someone.”
― GloZell
“I feel like I’m going to be like the ghetto ‘Gilmore Girls’ because I feel like this child is going to be more mature than I am because just look at me!”
― GloZell
“A lot of people have been asking me questions about IVF and surrogacy, and I’m glad that I can be a mouthpiece to that.”
― GloZell
“I’m bringing reading back. I’m making reading great again!”
― GloZell
“There are so many great YouTubers who might have a hit, but they come and they go. Maintaining and being here, just being able to relate to what’s going on and putting my spin on the world, I bring not my age, but my my wisdom, and that’s something some of the younger ones can’t contribute.”
― GloZell
“Let’s see… Rihanna! Work, work, work, work, work, work; OK, what? How much work does it take to move your behind, honey? I don’t understand the job situation you’re going through.”
― GloZell
“I do believe that O’Zell needs a sibling. She needs to have someone to play with.”
― GloZell
“My mom told me, ‘Make sure you do everything you want to do before you have kids.’ So that’s what I was doing. But biologically, the body is just like, ‘Well, you should have done it.’”
― GloZell
“You know, ‘You should have frozen your eggs at 20.’ Well, who’s thinking about that at 20?”
― GloZell
“It took three years from talking about it, to meeting with Wendie Wilson-Miller from ‘Gifted Journeys’ Surrogacy, to finding the right doctor, to doing the egg retrieval and finding the right surrogate.”
― GloZell
“It can get discouraging – ‘Oh, it didn’t work,’ or, ‘Oh, I lost the baby,’ or, ‘I can’t do this again.’ You can. And when you get the kid, you’ll be happy that you did. But it’s a very painful process for a lot of people. You just have to figure out how it’s gonna get done.”
― GloZell
“I thought I was healthy… well, my eggs were a little powdered.”
― GloZell
“It’d be nice if people consider me somewhat of an ambassador.”
― GloZell
“I don’t understand if it was, like, Palestinians were here, then it was called Israel, and that’s the problem, or they never had their land. Everyone just goes back and forth. So it seems like everyone can just have a piece… call the whole thing something else.”
― GloZell
“I get it that the media is going to show the worst part, because that’s the part that people want to see. But they have not represented Israel or Palestine, however people want to call it, they haven’t represented it well at all. Go to the beach! You won’t know this place from California.”
― GloZell
“When I met Mrs. Clinton, I met the mom that she is, I met the daughter that she is, I met the grandma that she is.”
― GloZell
“I grew up in Florida, and I have a lot of friends, close friends, who are Cuban-Americans, and I have heard the stories of their families escaping, and some of them didn’t even make it to come to the United States for a better life to get away from the Castros.”
― GloZell
“A very long time, I’ve wanted to be a mom. When we started this, we didn’t know how it was going to end up.”
― GloZell
“I’m thinking that a boy would just be easier to take care of, you know? You don’t have to worry about the weaves and the lipsticks and that kinda stuff.”
― GloZell
“Somehow, this child is gonna show me what to do, because I thought maybe I’ll grow up by then, but no. I still just want to play around in my Crocs and tutus, so I don’t know.”
― GloZell
“Obviously, I’m going to be embarrassing to the kid. There’s just no way not. I just hope the kid has a really good sense of humor… My husband’s very serious – he doesn’t find me funny at all – so I’m hoping the kid is like, ‘Mom is hilarious!’ That’d be really great.”
― GloZell
“Most doctors want to keep their success rates high, so they’d rather deal with someone who is younger, who has healthier eggs and more of them.”
― GloZell
“If your knowledge is in your hands and in your mind, then nobody can take it away from you. Be kind and be on time! You never know who you’re talking to – the waitress today could be the producer tomorrow, so it pays to be kind to everyone.”
― GloZell
“My goal is to keep the child alive. Once she starts talking, I’ll listen, but I know that I’ll need to join some mommy groups and ask people for help.”
― GloZell
“My background is musical theater. I have a BFA from the University of Florida.”
― GloZell
“I want to be, like, a fertility minister. Like, someone who takes you by the hand and tells you that it’ll be OK.”
― GloZell
“Whether you’re old or young or white or black or however, funny is funny, and people want to see those videos.”
― GloZell
“So many times I should’ve stopped or could’ve stopped and didn’t stop… So many kinds of people can get depressed and sad, and you know what? Everyone has that talent, that gift.”
― GloZell
“I was watching TV, and there was a girl acting a fool. And I was like, ‘I could do that.’”
― GloZell
“My childhood ambition was to become a Tooth Fairy. And I do talk about that in my book ‘Is You Okay.’ My mama always told me to say I wanted to be a corporate lawyer, and today I am much closer to being a Tooth Fairy than I ever was a Corporate Lawyer… so hah hah hah hah.”
― GloZell
“If I had to go back to something, I would go back to the ‘Victory Tour’ of the Jacksons, because I love me some Michael Jackson. I’d get my one glove, and my high water pants on, and my sparkly socks and black loafers.”
― GloZell
“What I hear is that people think of me as their cousin or their sister or somebody they want to hang out with.”
― GloZell
“A lot of my comedy is physical, so you don’t have to understand English to get that I’m choking to death on cinnamon or falling out of this tree or whatever.”
― GloZell
“I always wanted to be on ‘Sesame Street,’ that kind of a thing, puppets and fun and original songs and fairy tales.”
― GloZell
“Women have to do a lot of things. That’s why I think Ms. Hillary is going to be an awesome president.”
― GloZell
“How can we bridge the gap between… African-American males and white cops?”
― GloZell
“Rob Lowe said something negative about me. I’m like, ‘What? Thank you! I didn’t even know that you knew who I was; now you do.’ I appreciate it. You’re still hot, so what do I care?”
― GloZell
“I have three family members who are in the law enforcement.”
― GloZell
“Parents today are self-absorbed. They don’t care what anyone thinks or even what their children think. There is less focus on discipline, integrity, boundaries, fairness, honesty and spirituality.”
― GloZell
“Computers shouldn’t be parents, but they are. Please, spend time with your kids. If you don’t want to, then I don’t want to. It might hurt you to discipline your offspring, but it saves the child from being disciplined later by someone less forgiving. Like a criminal court judge. If you don’t spank your child, someone else will.”
― GloZell
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