“To be with old friends is very warming and comforting.”
― Ian Ziering
“Leg day is my favorite day. You can’t have a thorough leg workout without feeling completely spent. It’s a challenge, but the benefits of maintain muscle mass on my legs is important because, as the biggest muscle group in the body, it also helps me keep the proper body composition in terms of fat to muscle ratio.”
― Ian Ziering
“I enjoy the holidays, but I’m back to work pretty quickly.”
― Ian Ziering
“Past success is no guarantee of future success, so I have learned to be an entrepreneur. I began to produce and direct my own projects.”
― Ian Ziering
“When I met my wife, I was forty-six, and it was love at first sight. Every day, my love grew deeper as I found out about her family values, that her parents were still together, that she wanted kids. So we fell in love, got engaged, got married, and a month later, we were pregnant!”
― Ian Ziering
“Failure is not an option. So, we’re committed to the success of not just our relationship but to raising two amazing girls… It’s dedication. We’ve anchored ourselves to a foundation of accountability, and we’ve set out to be successful at this, so we’re going to do it.”
― Ian Ziering
“I’m a real lucky guy. I’ve got a fantastic woman; she’s a fantastic mom and an ideal partner. She understands what I do, and she’s OK with it, and I couldn’t be more in love.”
― Ian Ziering
“As an actor, you know that every act has a closing curtain.”
― Ian Ziering
“You have to be careful of social climbers. There are a lot of potholes out there.”
― Ian Ziering
“I’m tanned from head to toe, and it looks like I’ve been in The Bahamas.”
― Ian Ziering
“Before ‘Dancing with the Stars,’ I’d directed a short called ‘Man vs. Monday’ that I sent out to all the festivals just to show I can direct and produce. It was also a template to launch a movie or a TV series.”
― Ian Ziering
“As a father and a provider, no stone goes unturned.”
― Ian Ziering
“I’m a student of the movies. I’m a student of all media. This is what I do, and I like to immerse myself in what’s current and what’s topical. And I find that I’m drawn to those things.”
― Ian Ziering
“There are so many people that say they are actors and they don’t spend for 5 minutes a day working on their craft. You need to train and need to take classes to keep your tools sharp. I’m always in class, whether it’s theater or drama workshops.”
― Ian Ziering
“People spend hundreds of millions of dollars to make movies that don’t do anything. I mean, no one’s talking about ‘Pacific Rim’ today. No one’s talking about ‘The Lone Ranger,’ and those were $100 million movies that didn’t have nearly the impact that ‘Sharknado’ did.”
― Ian Ziering
“Like every audition I go on, I do my best, but after that, I let it go because, you know, the rejection rate is so great in Hollywood, and I can only control what I do in the audition, and after that it’s up to somebody else.”
― Ian Ziering
“I don’t get claustrophobic.”
― Ian Ziering
“I like action-adventure movies.”
― Ian Ziering
“I like the fact that I’m involved in a career that gives me so many different mediums to perform in.”
― Ian Ziering
“I began modeling in N.Y. and doing commercials. That led to regional theatre and then Broadway and then movies.”
― Ian Ziering
“My most famous commercial was for Fruit Of the Loom underwear. I took a lot of razzing from my classmates.”
― Ian Ziering
“People have always told me I look young for my age… and I think it’s because I’ve always taken care of myself.”
― Ian Ziering
“I’ve always been a fan of Fran Drescher!”
― Ian Ziering
“Being married, I’ve got so many things to do that I am the last to do things for myself. Taking care of my body has been difficult, but I am doing the best that I can.”
― Ian Ziering
“I love coming to Las Vegas. I’ve always loved it and always had a good time.”
― Ian Ziering
“I think my perspective on my age is really irrelevant.”
― Ian Ziering
“I’m doing what every guy in America has secretly fantasized – being a Chippendales dancer and having women throw themselves at you.”
― Ian Ziering
“More people than not have seen me on television in swim shorts, so I don’t have any problem stripping down.”
― Ian Ziering
“When I was a kid, it was always very embarrassing for me if I wet the bed – I was 5 years old. I didn’t want my parents or my brothers to find out because they’d bust my chops to no end.”
― Ian Ziering
“I’m a dad, and that’s a job you can’t fail at.”
― Ian Ziering
“I always wanted to do action-adventure, and science fiction genres were always something that were of great interest to me.”
― Ian Ziering
“The opening scene from ‘Sharknado’ I think was better than the original ‘Jaws’ movie. It was scarier, it was bloodier, and it had more high-anxiety moments than the original ‘Jaws’ movie. And that movie kept me out of the ocean for a summer.”
― Ian Ziering
“At my pregnant wife’s behest, I took the job for the paycheck and the health insurance, and it turned into ‘Sharknado.’ I couldn’t have played this better if I’d wanted to. It’s really captured the imagination of sci-fi fans.”
― Ian Ziering
“David Hasselhoff is awesome.”
― Ian Ziering
“Bo Derek was wonderful to work with.”
― Ian Ziering
“For me, to get to play an action hero in a science fiction film is a marriage of two genres that I’m a huge fan of.”
― Ian Ziering
“When I read the script for ‘90210,’ I thought, ‘Boy, this is very superficial,’ and it was. I mean, the pilot was all about the glitz and the glamour of Beverly Hills, the obnoxious kids, and the fish-out-of-water story of Brenda and Brandon Walsh. I couldn’t discern from that first script that the show would become very issue-oriented.”
― Ian Ziering
“I was 28 years old playing a 16-year-old. I just kept my mouth shut. I never talked about it.”
― Ian Ziering
“In this business, it’s important: if you consider yourself a journeyman actor like I do, you need to stay topical. So I’m always looking for projects that are challenging, that put me in a light that’s different from anything I’ve ever done before.”
― Ian Ziering
“I look at myself more as really an entertainer. Yes, I act, but there are other things that I can do.”
― Ian Ziering
“We barely had cell phones on ‘90210.’ It started in the ’90s. That’s pretty much when fax machines came into play. When I first got the script for ‘90210’ I had to come into New York to get it. It was not emailed to me; there was no email.”
― Ian Ziering
“Everyone wanted to be eaten. It seems like it’s a badge of honor to have that on your IMDb account when it says, ‘Man No. 2 eaten in ‘Sharknado.’”
― Ian Ziering
“Being married, I don’t know how to describe it. It’s very comfortable when you find the right person. It all comes together beautifully.”
― Ian Ziering
“In the entertainment industry, there remains one constant: change.”
― Ian Ziering
“I believe the digital world presents tremendous opportunities for the producers who understand it, and I am launching a digital production company, iMan Productions, to take advantage of this opportunity.”
― Ian Ziering
“I feel blessed: having a family is something that I’ve always wanted. Having a second child is the realization of a dream come true.”
― Ian Ziering
“I have a lot of irons in the fire.”
― Ian Ziering
“When I got the call from Chippendales, my jaw dropped, as it came on the heels of TMZ calling me fat on national TV. I am passionate about health and fitness, so I’ve kept in shape, and dancing is something I’ve always enjoyed, so I figured, why not?”
― Ian Ziering
“I’m always looking for additional revenue streams.”
― Ian Ziering
“It’s intimidating when you have to stand onstage amongst a bunch of men who are dedicated to maintaining peak musculature and athleticism, and they’re six-five, 240 pounds of twisted steel and sex appeal. It’s a lot to stand up to… My goal is to not look like Chris Farley.”
― Ian Ziering
“I never envisioned that I would be able to bring something to the entertainment table that would fit Las Vegas. Vegas is so presentational; it’s live theater and, for me, it’s always been film or television, which isn’t why people come to Las Vegas. So it’s exciting to be apart of all of this, the thrust of the entertainment of Vegas.”
― Ian Ziering
“As an actor, I get my insurance from the Screen Actor’s Guild by union, and you have to make so much every year to get that type 1 insurance.”
― Ian Ziering
“Being a dad is the best role I’ve ever played, with all due respect to Steve Sanders. It really is the best thing ever.”
― Ian Ziering
“I have two children of my own; I can’t imagine anything more horrific than to have a child suffering with EB.”
― Ian Ziering
“Dancing isn’t easy, and to just jump into three to four hours of rehearsals a day is a lot.”
― Ian Ziering
“Some of my earliest memories are dancing in the kitchen, standing on my mom’s toes.”
― Ian Ziering
“I can’t walk down the street anywhere in the world without being stopped. It can be an interruption, but on the whole, it’s flattering.”
― Ian Ziering
“I treat auditions as if they are gold. I try to make every one count.”
― Ian Ziering
“I get fan letters written in everything from crayons to lipstick.”
― Ian Ziering
“The weirdest request I got was for a picture of me naked with nothing on but my cowboy boots. Needless to say, she went home empty-handed. I have, however, on several occasions, strolled around my apartment in nothing but my cowboy boots. There was just no one there to take pictures.”
― Ian Ziering
“I don’t want to make any mistakes. My parents have been married for 40 years. I want to stay married.”
― Ian Ziering
“There was such mass appeal for ‘Sharknado.’ It went over so well – not just here in the United States but globally – that it would be such a missed opportunity and a ripoff for the fans not to bring ‘Sharknado’ back.”
― Ian Ziering
“I’ve managed to catch lightning in a bottle a couple times. I’m very lucky. But I want to do this forever. I enjoy it so much. One of the challenges as an actor is to stay relevant.”
― Ian Ziering
“With ‘Sharknado,’ they’ve got a great mix of TV and film. This is a film that has film impact in the TV medium.”
― Ian Ziering
“Major motion picture studios spend hundreds of millions of dollars trying to capture some of whatever it is that makes our little ‘Sharknado’ movie globally popular.”
― Ian Ziering
“When I read the first ‘Sharknado’ movie, I thought it was terrible. I told my wife that I couldn’t do this movie, that it would be the end of my career.”
― Ian Ziering
“I am an actor, but my most important job is provider of my family.”
― Ian Ziering
“I would love any opportunity to work with my former castmates again.”
― Ian Ziering
“My career actually started in the second grade as class clown. That’s no joke. I was always making people laugh, and it was really to mask a learning disability… When it came time for me to read out loud, I would crack jokes or create a diversion.”
― Ian Ziering
“I view having celebrity as having capital, and I don’t know a better way to spend that capital other then helping people.”
― Ian Ziering
“It’s ‘Sharknado,’ people. No one’s expecting a tear-jerking, gut-wrenching emotional piece. This is just wild sci-fi action/adventure at it’s finest. It’s one of those dopey movies that come on in the middle of the night, and your eyes just stay open watching it ‘cuz your glued to it, ‘cuz you’re just compelled to continue to watch it.”
― Ian Ziering
“There’s all these summer blockbusters out there, but nobody’s talking about them… they’re talking about ‘Sharknado.’ It’s amazing!”
― Ian Ziering
“We’re living in a society where you need to be accountable for your actions, for your behavior – for yourself. To sit back and be reactive would be to allow your children to make big mistakes without the benefit of your wisdom being bestowed on them. It’s not what my parents taught me.”
― Ian Ziering
“With all the cable and Internet channels you have available, you have so much opportunity. If you want to say something, you can say it and have people see it.”
― Ian Ziering
“When I read the scene where I’m actually chainsawing my way out of the belly of a shark, how could a guy turn that down when that’s in the job description?”
― Ian Ziering
“Ideally, it would be five days a week, spending at least an hour at the gym doing cardio three of those days and resistance training all of those days. My cardio is typically interval training.”
― Ian Ziering
“I can’t tell you the deluge of images that were sent to me through all the different social media platforms of families partying together… enjoying ‘Sharknado.’”
― Ian Ziering
“We have so many foreign fans, I think we should take the movie to them. I thought, ‘Wouldn’t it be great, instead of demolishing a city, if we, through a ‘Sharknado,’ could rebuild it? Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we went to Italy and a ‘Sharknado’ straightened the Tower of Pisa?’”
― Ian Ziering
“We’re very sure to stay in character, to experience the Sharknado as though it was real. That’s what acting is.”
― Ian Ziering
“We’ve shown the entertainment industry what social media is capable of doing for a movie. ‘Sharknado’ is now a noun.”
― Ian Ziering
“Anything I can do to raise awareness and money for charity, I like to do.”
― Ian Ziering
“The brilliance of ‘Sharknado 2’ is it’s more of the same – similar formula, more of the experience.”
― Ian Ziering
“I think this show can have legs for a long time. That’s why it’s called ‘Beverly Hills 90210’ instead of something like ‘West Beverly High.’”
― Ian Ziering
“I just try to do the best job I can with what I’m given. My main focus is the work and not the glamour.”
― Ian Ziering
“When all the other kids were playing sports after school, I wanted to sing and dance and act.”
― Ian Ziering
“My mom was always so supportive; she enabled me to pursue my dreams. I danced on Broadway as a kid, and she would never miss a show.”
― Ian Ziering
“’Dancing With the Stars’ has become a phenomenon, and when I look at that type of reality show, it’s like a variety show.”
― Ian Ziering
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