“I could float in the pool for hours, just letting the water carry me.”
― Jill Scott
“I’m going to do as much as I can with this life, and then I’m going to make sure to take some time off and be simple and ride my bike and hang out with friends.”
― Jill Scott
“’Saturday Night Live’ is a show that I think I could have a lot of fun on, just being different characters and maybe singing, too.”
― Jill Scott
“I love foods that start in my cheeks and then vibrate up.”
― Jill Scott
“The highs, the lows, the peaks, the valleys, whatever, it’s all going to go into the art, whether I’m singing or acting or whatever.”
― Jill Scott
“I just think it’s silly to be stingy with compliments. If you see someone and they strike you as beautiful in any way, why not let them know?”
― Jill Scott
“I’m going to keep it real gully with you; the first two months, I wanted to give him back. I expected someone to come and save me because after you have the baby, nobody cares about you anymore. Nobody cares if you sleep, nobody cares if you eat. It’s just you and this all-consuming thingy!”
― Jill Scott
“My mother’s a genius. She just kept feeding me art on whatever we had; paper plates, silver platter, didn’t matter. You know, she just kept feeding it to me. So we went to see all kinds of theater. We would go to the art museum pretty much every Sunday, and I would watch her. She let me know that art was supposed to touch.”
― Jill Scott
“If I feel really ugly or unhappy, sometimes I’ll choose bright colors so they’ll make me feel good. Yellows, pinks, light blues and orange. I just want to feel good all the time if I can. And colors and hairstyles and all that kind of helps out.”
― Jill Scott
“You owe it to yourself to live beautifully. And I am.”
― Jill Scott
“You have to be humble when you’re dealing with God.”
― Jill Scott
“People is, I think, it’s their nature – some people’s nature, in a way, to be angry or jealous or just spiteful about somebody else’s blessings.”
― Jill Scott
“A nutritionist has told me to have very little butter and very little spices, but I can’t live like that.”
― Jill Scott
“I’m a secret interior decorator. There’s a mural on my dining room wall of the railroad tracks at 30th Street Station in Philadelphia. I love having my hometown with me out here in California.”
― Jill Scott
“Soul music is about longevity and reaching and touching people on a human level – and that’s never going to get lost.”
― Jill Scott
“Anytime you share life stories with other people, you know, you are acknowledging their humanity and kind of accessing some things about yourself, and other people start to expect things about themselves. It’s kind of like a fellowship.”
― Jill Scott
“We all get angry and jealous sometimes, none of us is perfect, but we should not try to be different.”
― Jill Scott
“I truly loved being pregnant and feeling what was going on inside my body and watching it change. It’s difficult to recoup, but still amazing nonetheless. I would have another one.”
― Jill Scott
“I’m being all of me, and it feels stupendous. I don’t want to leave this feeling.”
― Jill Scott
“I like a man who smells good. Puts on cologne; lotions his body. It keeps me wanting. I like feeling that way.”
― Jill Scott
“I think, as an artist, you have to have experienced some deep turmoil, some kind of pain, because that’s what connects you with the world. That’s what makes it juicy!”
― Jill Scott
“I think every individual has his or her own power, and it’s a matter of working, taking time and defining what that power is.”
― Jill Scott
“Everything starts with writing. I heard Nikki Giovanni and was blown away. I just thought ‘wow’; she was writing from a black girl’s perspective, and the imagery was so vivid that I started doing spoken word.”
― Jill Scott
“I do want love. Genuine love.”
― Jill Scott
“Seriously, in America there are more big, curvy girls than there are little girls, and men love us, too.”
― Jill Scott
“I think the first time I really heard poetry was in the schoolyard. Just the little limericks that kids say when they’re jumping rope and playing games. I think that’s the first time I heard rhyming words – I don’t know if I’d call that the definitive poetry, but that’s when I heard rhyming words said and not necessarily sung.”
― Jill Scott
“My grill is intended to be discreet. It’s there because I enjoy jewelry.”
― Jill Scott
“I did an internship at the Ardent theatre company in Philly after dropping out of college. I was earning $165 a week building sets and cleaning the toilets. Cleaning toilets is a good way of getting in touch with your creativity. That’s when you find out if you got anything going on in your head.”
― Jill Scott
“I was reared in a Jehovah’s Witness household. I was taught that every man should be judged by his deeds and not his color, and I firmly stand where my grandmother left me.”
― Jill Scott
“Nothing has gotten me out of Philadelphia. I moved 20 minutes away from Philly. That’s about it.”
― Jill Scott
“The video for ‘Whatever’ is kind of a documentary in a way. It’s showing that love can last. Not just in your early 20s or your late 30s, but in your 50s, 60s and 70s. There’s an awful myth out there that when you get married, love and lovemaking fade. It’s not true.”
― Jill Scott
“I didn’t leave home until 27. I was an only child raised in Philadelphia by my mother and grandmother. My grandmother controlled the stove. She made a lot of potato meals – mashed potato, potato souffle, potato pancakes. When we didn’t have electricity, we ate romantically by candlelight.”
― Jill Scott
“I always wanted to be a renaissance woman, do as many things as I possibly can and hopefully do them well or don’t do them at all.”
― Jill Scott
“To be a queen of a household is a powerful thing.”
― Jill Scott
“I don’t rhyme right now, but I may ten years from now.”
― Jill Scott
“I have been training since 8th grade, but it has to do with listening, more than practice.”
― Jill Scott
“God is ever present. He’s in every breath, in every step. He’s here, always, always.”
― Jill Scott
“Power doesn’t have to be on such a big scale for powerful things to occur. Within your own home, you can be a powerful woman as a mother, influencing your children’s lives.”
― Jill Scott
“When I was growing up, my mother would take me to plays and museums, and we’d talk about life. Those times helped shape who I became.”
― Jill Scott
“When I first became famous, I didn’t know if I could go where I wanted to because I didn’t know how people were going to act. Some folks would scream and holler, and I didn’t know what to do with that.”
― Jill Scott
“Lately I’ve been going to all these high schools talking to the students, answering their questions, listening to what they have to say. It has been an incredible journey to be around them and try to give them what my mother gave me.”
― Jill Scott
“There’s a high school in Camden, New Jersey, I call the Jill Scott School. It’s the Camden Creative Arts High School. Those teachers and kids are so passionate about what they do, and 98 percent of the senior class went on to college.”
― Jill Scott
“Mos Def is one of the most creative, intelligent human beings I’ve had the opportunity to work with. He is fun. The entire time, he would go in and out of different characters, just for the fun of it. Awesome energy.”
― Jill Scott
“The artists who stand out to me have a passion for what they do. There are a lot of people who can sing. It’s just like when you go to church and people are singing because it sounds good, not because it feels good. There’s a difference.”
― Jill Scott
“All I have to do is be me on stage. But acting, I have to be someone else, and walk how they would walk and blink how they would blink. I used to talk about it bad like, ‘Aw man, that person made $10 million a movie?’ But now I understand why they do. I get it now.”
― Jill Scott
“I am more spiritual than religious.”
― Jill Scott
“For me, hair is an accoutrement. Hair is jewelry. It’s an accessory.”
― Jill Scott
“In order to grow emotionally and mentally, sometimes you have to grow physically as well. I’m just trying to grow, man, and always I just want to be the best and most confident me I can be.”
― Jill Scott
“For a writer it’s a dream to sit and watch people as close as possible.”
― Jill Scott
“’Fringe’ is one of my favorite television shows, from its inception. I absolutely love all of the science fiction of it, the mystery of it, and the science in it.”
― Jill Scott
“I’ve always enjoyed shows like ‘The X-Files,’ where you’re on the edge of your seat and you’re so invested in these characters.”
― Jill Scott
“All you ever really want is a great character and great writing. As an actor, that’s the juiciest sandwich you could ever ask for.”
― Jill Scott
“I don’t think I’ll get married again. I’m not looking for it. What I can say about my divorce and my failed engagement is that I learned where my bar is.”
― Jill Scott
“I’m looking for someone who works as hard as I do. Who loves their work as much as I do, so at the end of the night we have something real to talk about, something exciting that makes our blood flow and boil.”
― Jill Scott
“I need my man to be my homie.”
― Jill Scott
“If you can’t help me grow, there’s no point with you being in my life.”
― Jill Scott
“When Jett puts my face in his hands and tells me, ‘Mommy you’re so pretty’ or smells me, it’s so wonderful.”
― Jill Scott
“Everybody’s looking for love, and you want to love somebody and be loved in return.”
― Jill Scott
“My intention is to make music that you can enjoy at all times.”
― Jill Scott
“There’s something really magical about having a child – it’s like permission to begin again, start over, reevaluate some things, check yourself. Recognize yourself. And that’s kind of what happened with me – I realized, in a few places, I was going down the wrong path.”
― Jill Scott
“Common is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met, and to describe him as a vile rapper because he has an opinion… just says a lot about the state of America. You are allowed to have an opinion in the United States – he’s never harmed anybody, he just has an opinion about a president that wasn’t good for our country.”
― Jill Scott
“Being a mom, it feels like I did something so powerful and amazing. It’s such a gigantic blessing, and a confirmation that the Creator exists. And all of that has made me feel sexier and stronger. I call it ‘lava in my spine.’”
― Jill Scott
“My grandmother told me: ‘Never be in debt to anyone or anything.’ Which is probably why I’ve never been financially extravagant – I still go to Costco. I’m always conscious of living within my means.”
― Jill Scott
“My son has godmothers, godfathers, grandparents and so many others in his life who love him as much as I do. They’re there for both of us. I may not have a mate or husband, but I’m definitely not a single parent.”
― Jill Scott
“For my writing, and because I love talking to young women about life, I often asked them which would they rather have – a father in the house with them while growing up or a big butt? I tell you 86 percent of the time, girls say a big butt because it gets them further.”
― Jill Scott
“A woman is more than the sum of her parts.”
― Jill Scott
“Sometimes I felt as a writer I was purging, and it almost hurt to purge to that level. Now it doesn’t feel that way, maybe because I’m older. Maybe life has given me some punches, but it didn’t knock me down.”
― Jill Scott
“When I sing, I have to live in that moment, so my audience can feel that. That is my reason for doing art.”
― Jill Scott
“A lot of the girls I grew up with were pregnant by the time they were 16. I just was lucky.”
― Jill Scott
“My earliest influence was Quincy Jones. I thought ‘The Wiz’ soundtrack was the most amazing thing I’d ever heard. It was my first record and you had Michael Jackson, Ted Ross, Nipsey Russell and Diana Ross on it. I even took it to show and tell in third grade!”
― Jill Scott
“I’ve always been a firm believer that soul music never dies. The artists we still listen to today, years after their music was first heard are mostly soul artists; Donny Hathaway, Marvin Gaye, Chaka Khan. We still sing along to all of them with our hearts.”
― Jill Scott
“I just think fashion is about enjoying yourself and being comfortable in your skin and allowing you to be you – all the way live.”
― Jill Scott
“All man-made religions are limited. I go my own way.”
― Jill Scott
“I do so play an instrument! I play air! I play the air with my fingers, and I’m in touch with the deepest emotions within. It took me a while to learn that whatever I feel like doing is the right thing. If I want to play an invisible instrument, I will.”
― Jill Scott
“African people worldwide are known to be welcoming and open-minded.”
― Jill Scott
“As slavery died for the greater good of America, and the movement for equality sputtered to life, the white woman was on the cover of every American magazine. She was the dazzling jewel on every movie screen, the glory of every commercial and television show.”
― Jill Scott
“There’s a certain level of realness in Philly. You know, just – people are people. You know, it doesn’t matter who you are or who you think you are, you’re just a person in Philly.”
― Jill Scott
“I would say for every successful black woman in America or in the world, really, it’s difficult to be the head of the household, financially. It is for the man in your life. It can be very hard for them. And there’s a delicate balance. I’m not quite sure I know what that balance is just yet.”
― Jill Scott
“There are repercussions to everything, even advancement and success. And I think that the repercussions to my success was the loss of my marriage.”
― Jill Scott
“I see myself being a great-grandmother at my great-grandson’s graduation from a school that has my name on it.”
― Jill Scott
“I’ve learned that friendship does not equate business, business does not equate friendship.”
― Jill Scott
“I don’t write on demand – I wait for inspiration to come.”
― Jill Scott
“I’ve done a lot of fighting in my time, and I’m down to do some more. I don’t want to, but you know, there’s just certain things that you can’t sit down and take.”
― Jill Scott
“I am a huge Prince fan. It’s a very rare thing for him to have people open for him. It’s been the Time and Sheila E., and that’s about it. Building a relationship with him has been like a dream come true. I’ve been looking for a mentor, and I feel like I have that in him.”
― Jill Scott
“There are black marriages that are still going strong 40 years later. You hear so many myths that there aren’t any people making it, but there are. As long as there are some, there’s hope.”
― Jill Scott
“Heartbreak was the impetus to me writing poems and music in the first place.”
― Jill Scott
“I was once making a burger for myself at my boyfriend’s house and a lyric started pouring out and I had to catch it, so I ran to another room to write it down, but then the kitchen caught fire. His cabinets were charred, and he was furious. But it was worth it for a song.”
― Jill Scott
“People think that lemon is good for the voice, but it dries it out.”
― Jill Scott
“When I got my success, I became decadent for a while. This was 2003 to 2008. I fell for tiramisu really hard. I’ve become more moderate since, because African-Americans are prone to diabetes.”
― Jill Scott
“I’m a world-class people watcher. I like to watch people’s body movements, their expressions. It says so much about them.”
― Jill Scott
“When I write a song, I tap into the emotion and the feeling and then I use the emotion to write the words. It’s the opposite when I act. I use the words and tap into the emotion.”
― Jill Scott
“My stepfather was a very nasty individual.”
― Jill Scott
“I defy any woman who is pregnant and trying to concentrate really hard not to feel distracted.”
― Jill Scott
“Music shouldn’t be a chore or feel like any kind of burden.”
― Jill Scott
“At my aunt’s funeral, I promised myself that I wouldn’t be bound by the belief that I’m supposed to stay in anything – whether it’s a relationship, a job, a house, or a circumstance – if it makes me miserable. She gave me the courage to find my own happiness.”
― Jill Scott
“I was conceived after doctors told my mother she’d never have children. I’m a miracle – we all are.”
― Jill Scott
“Africa the continent is not just what we see on the news. It’s… not AIDS, and it’s not just war and poverty. It’s so much more. It’s an abundant continent, and Botswana is an abundant place.”
― Jill Scott
“My heart and prayers go out to all single moms because it’s tough, and I can’t imagine any teenager dealing with a baby and all those hormones raging.”
― Jill Scott
“When I get onstage, I automatically feel beautiful.”
― Jill Scott
“There are a lot of difficulties with people trying to conceive.”
― Jill Scott
“Our minds do understand that people of all races find genuine love in many places. We dig that the world is full of amazing options.”
― Jill Scott
“I’d been told that when you first put your feet on African ground, you’ll be hit by a feeling of overwhelming understanding, like you’ve returned home and suddenly belong. Quite frankly, I didn’t feel that.”
― Jill Scott
“Africa doesn’t leap on you immediately; it seeps slowly, and it’s incredibly important to be respectful and humble there.”
― Jill Scott
“One of the things I love about Africa is the amount of dignity and respect and humility you see all the time. You don’t realise how often you’re disrespected until you are surrounded by respect.”
― Jill Scott
“Back in my mid-20s I was told I’d never be able to have children as I wasn’t having periods. Doctors tried to start up my monthly cycles, but when nothing worked, they actually offered me a hysterectomy. Without it, they said I might get ovarian cancer in the future. I chose not to have the operation, and am so glad I didn’t.”
― Jill Scott
“I’m going to be a strict mum. I know that love is the most important thing – you’ve got to have lots of kisses and cuddles – but you also need to mix it with discipline or you’ll be in a heap of trouble.”
― Jill Scott
“The best gift I was ever given was the arts. My mum gave me those on a silver platter. Growing up, her and my grandmother would take me to ballets, classical concerts, even smoky jazz clubs I wasn’t supposed to be in!”
― Jill Scott
“When I was 12, I wrote a list of things to do before I died. ‘Own a Picasso’ was one of those things.”
― Jill Scott
“I believe the relationship you have with your government is not so different to a love relationship.”
― Jill Scott
“For anyone who feels they are overwhelmed by their job, or maybe they take their job too seriously or are working too hard, I say go to a safari, particularly the Okavango Delta, and just be humbled.”
― Jill Scott
“It excites me when a person puts their whole self in a song or rhyme, or instrument. It fills me.”
― Jill Scott
“I have a few caftans just for lounging purposes. When I want to feel free, it’s the closest thing to feeling naked without being naked.”
― Jill Scott
“Every community needs a rec center.”
― Jill Scott
“Everybody is supposed to be a part of their own community.”
― Jill Scott
“I’ve been around the world and I’ve had bras made in different places, and each time I’m experiencing the same troubles: the painful shoulders, the underwire cutting into my flesh.”
― Jill Scott
“I’d love to work with Missy Elliott. I’d love to work with Bonnie Raitt. I’d love, love, love to work with Barbra Streisand. I’m reaching, because why not? You don’t know what’s going to happen in this life.”
― Jill Scott
“Once I started looking for a record deal, I had a trainer. And the trainer told me that I would never sell a record if I didn’t lose weight.”
― Jill Scott
“I’m a method actor as well as a method singer.”
― Jill Scott
“Sometimes I feel like a Buddhist and I need to chant; sometimes a Baptist and I need to holler and shout; and sometimes I need to be a Catholic and need to purge my sins and confess. It just depends on where I am.”
― Jill Scott
“That’s what I enjoy most about my music – that it heals in its own time and makes us look at ourselves in its own time.”
― Jill Scott
“Being on set is a hard thing. A lot of people are like, ‘Oh, you get to make a movie, and it’s all fun.’ But the reality is, it’s a lot of hours. It’s a lot of reshoots; it’s a lot of waiting. And you can become increasingly agitated by the amount of time that you are waiting. But that’s real.”
― Jill Scott
“Singing and acting suit me. I made a vow to myself to do everything that I can do with this life that I have, and I have to find the time to do this. Sometimes I need to be an actress. Sometimes I don’t need to be Jill. However, everyone is always looking for the Jill in everything.”
― Jill Scott
“I could hear music playing in the background of works by certain authors, like Poe and Shakespeare. And I discovered Nikki Giovanni when I was in eighth grade. Her writing has a musical energy with pulse and rhythm, almost like jazz or hip-hop.”
― Jill Scott
“I like to read Octavia E. Butler’s ‘Wild Seed’ over and over again. And J. California Cooper’s ‘The Wake of the Wind.’ That one makes me cry from joy. I’ll mourn – I’ll actually mourn – and then I’ll cry from joy. She’s wonderful.”
― Jill Scott
“There’s something really magical about having a child – it’s like permission to begin again, start over, reevaluate some things, check yourself. Recognize yourself.”
― Jill Scott
“I don’t necessarily think of myself as a feminist, but I’m a whole person.”
― Jill Scott
“I’m the girl that waits for the director to say, ‘I like that,’ or ‘Can you boost it up?,’ or ‘Can you pull it down?’ I’m that kind of actor. I started in theater, so that’s the feedback that I’m accustomed to. It’s the feedback that I really thrive off of.”
― Jill Scott
“’True Blood’ excites me. It scares me, but it excites me.”
― Jill Scott
“I’m sorry that ‘Fringe’ is gone. I really wanted to do more on that show. It was great!”
― Jill Scott
“I just want to continue to grow, as an actor, and dig. Hopefully, one day, I’ll lose myself in a role. My only worry about that is that I just want to be able to come back home. I don’t want to get lost forever. That scares me.”
― Jill Scott
“I think human beings will always still really enjoy using our imaginations, and ‘Fringe’ allows you to do that. It’s slightly scary and believable. There just might be an alternate universe. There just might be people on the other side that are like us, living a different life.”
― Jill Scott
“I chose ‘No. 1 Ladies’ Detective,’ or I’ll say it chose me, and it was an absolute blessing, for the experience of being in Africa for seven months and learning so many different things, from languages to foods to greetings. On so many levels, it was an incredible experience.”
― Jill Scott
“A woman is more than the sum of her parts. So I had an opportunity to present some work at the White House. I chose not just to talk about the sky, the planet, love or heartache. I wanted to actually be there, to place a mark on that moment.”
― Jill Scott
“I’ve been reading poetry publicly for 20 years, and this is what you do – you express, you sometimes dig a bit to get a conversation started. That’s the point of poetry. You’re supposed to go, ‘Hmmmm,’ and ‘Woooh!’”
― Jill Scott
“I like to be in the now, now. Sometimes musicians have to wait for me to be genuine with it. As an actor, I don’t have that luxury. You have to make it legit when they say ‘action.’”
― Jill Scott
“I truly have a village supporting me. My son has godmothers, godfathers, grandparents and so many others in his life who love him as much as I do. They’re there for both of us. I may not have a mate or husband, but I’m definitely not a single parent.”
― Jill Scott
“I think all any artist or person wants to do is grow spiritually, emotionally, professionally and mentally.”
― Jill Scott
“Whatever happens in my life, whether I stand up or I fall down, whatever the case, I’m going to use it in my art. Why? Because I’m an artist and I have to.”
― Jill Scott
“I was backstage at the House of Blues in L.A where I was about to perform, and Stevie Wonder and Prince turned up at my dressing room together! Stevie started beat boxing and Prince started singing one of my songs, all of a sudden it was like I was in a cypher with these incredible artists.”
― Jill Scott
“Heartbreak was the impetus to me writing poems and music in the first place. Over the years, I had my heart broken so badly that if I didn’t find a way to get all the pain out, I was going to lose my mind. I was crazy! Like, wanting to slash tires and smash car windows. Crazy! I was so hurt that I had to write.”
― Jill Scott
“I never expected the White House to be warm, and the artwork on the walls was extraordinary. I am a fan of the Louvre, but being there it was almost just as good.”
― Jill Scott
“I was reading poetry to my girlfriends, and they were like, ‘You’re really good. You should go to some poetry readings or something.’ And I eventually went and got a, you know, somewhat of a name for myself and a little bit of a following.”
― Jill Scott
“One day, I just got up to read a poem and started singing. I looked around – the reaction was great. And I said, ‘Oh, boy. I like this.’”
― Jill Scott
“Most of the time, particularly with this record, ‘The Light of the Sun,’ I really just been standing in front of a microphone and blacking out musically, you know. I’d come back a couple hours later and there’s six songs from beginning to end, you know? I don’t know what I’m going to say. I don’t know how I’m going to say it.”
― Jill Scott
“I need to find creative diversity because if I get stuck, I get unhappy.”
― Jill Scott
“I’ve been enjoying playing with fashion – gold grills and diamond grills have just become a part of that.”
― Jill Scott
“When you get a jean for a larger girl, you have to have them tailored for you. Tailoring is indeed everything.”
― Jill Scott
“My son, Jett, is two, and when I was pregnant my nose got bigger, so I got a new one. Everything was bigger for a while after having Jet, but I knew I needed to be able to walk up my stairs without being winded. It took me two years to lose 60 lbs – lots of walking, bike-riding, kick-boxing and performing.”
― Jill Scott
“I’m a girl who enjoys a great meal with great friends, so I’m not really that concerned about weight loss.”
― Jill Scott
“I’m excited about turning 40. I’ve been an adult for a long time, but there is a difference between being an adult and being a grown-up. I’m someone’s mummy now and I’m enjoying that. I feel as if I’m about to hit my peak.”
― Jill Scott
“I’m not interested in being commodified. I’m not into being sold. I’m not a slave.”
― Jill Scott
“One of the reasons my ex-husband and I broke up is that he stopped eating my food.”
― Jill Scott
“I panicked when my son, Jett, stopped eating baby food. He’s only two, but his food vocabulary is fantastic. He likes my baked tilapia and string beans with chopped garlic. But he really likes pizza. Sometimes every inanimate object to him is pizza.”
― Jill Scott
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