“I will be in a position where I can afford the Bugatti, but I most certainly won’t be buying it.”
― Lil Dicky
“I think, between me and Chris Brown, if you combined our games, you’d get, like, a real Division I basketball player.”
― Lil Dicky
“Deep down, I want to be a big rapper. I want people to love what I’m doing.”
― Lil Dicky
“LeBron James – I’m such a big basketball fan, and to be in his body for a day and be able to just dunk at will, have that level of court awareness and size, oh my goodness, that would be a treat.”
― Lil Dicky
“I have Kanye’s ego to some extent.”
― Lil Dicky
“I don’t think any artist has really relied on music videos the way I do. It’s almost like my radio.”
― Lil Dicky
“My fears are never about failure – it’s about extreme success.”
― Lil Dicky
“The way you respect hip-hop is by being true to yourself.”
― Lil Dicky
“You hear a lot of rap songs about spending money. I thought, wouldn’t it be funny to make a song about saving money because it’s ironic, but beyond irony, I genuinely have pride in saving money.”
― Lil Dicky
“Being funny is my biggest differentiator, and I think I’d be a fool not to use that, and there’s nothing I enjoy personally more than making a human being laugh. But then, I also think I have a serious side to me.”
― Lil Dicky
“I’m pretty self-aware, and I am an embarrassingly flawed human being in a ton of ways.”
― Lil Dicky
“It’s impressive to the girl that I’m texting that I have my own emojis. It adds to my charm as a man seeking love.”
― Lil Dicky
“I can’t really rap the way rappers rap; I drive a 2002 Toyota Avalon.”
― Lil Dicky
“I always dreamed of being an entertainer. So, my whole life to some extent, or from the age that I can remember onwards, I knew I was going to have to make some sort of attempt at being noticed for being funny.”
― Lil Dicky
“I’m a relatively cheap person who, to me, it’s not cool to overspend; it’s cool to get a great deal.”
― Lil Dicky
“By putting this music out, I think I genuinely eliminated 80 percent of the previous jobs I was qualified for.”
― Lil Dicky
“I knew I could rap a little bit, which is not the most unique way for being funny. The more I did it, the better I got at rapping, and then I fell in love with the craft of it, and the possibility that I was a good rapper was very intriguing.”
― Lil Dicky
“I’ve been working a lot with Benny Blanco; he’s a producer. And I’ve been working with Diplo and a bunch of other people. Detail, Charlie Handsome. A variety of people.”
― Lil Dicky
“I always have to poop right before I do a concert. I don’t feel nervous, but I think that must be my body reacting.”
― Lil Dicky
“I grew up upper middle class.”
― Lil Dicky
“Finally, the day came where I put stuff online for the first time ever. The Lil Dicky video got a million views the first day. It was one of the best days of my life. It was the day I learned I was who I thought I was. It was a fantastic I-told-you-so moment.”
― Lil Dicky
“I remember, in fifth grade, doing a report on the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin as a rap. It was just an easy way to get an A back then because everyone was turning in boring stuff.”
― Lil Dicky
“I have never been more physically tired than after that first song of my first concert.”
― Lil Dicky
“I feel like the Philadelphia sports teams are really good at having my back.”
― Lil Dicky
“In my heart, I believe I’m a top flight comedian and a top flight rapper.”
― Lil Dicky
“Deep down, I always had a belief I would get on the charts.”
― Lil Dicky
“Rapping works like a sport… the more you do it, the better you get at it.”
― Lil Dicky
“People see a ‘South Park’ episode, and there’s racially insensitive jokes – nobody bats an eye because they’re expecting that in that context. In hip-hop, they don’t expect that kind of thing because it’s a white person in a predominantly black world.”
― Lil Dicky
“I don’t necessarily think that when I graduated college, I had a plan to work at an ad agency. I had a plan in terms of getting the best job I could, like, just whatever normal job.”
― Lil Dicky
“’Ex-Boyfriend’ is a really funny story that is that much funnier when you have visuals attached to it as opposed to just hearing it. I couldn’t let a song like that go un-videoed.”
― Lil Dicky
“Working at the ad agency showed me just how possible things were from a production standpoint.”
― Lil Dicky
“Sometimes I want to be completely outlandish and funny, but sometimes I feel the need to prove myself as a rapper.”
― Lil Dicky
“I wanted to explain that just because I’m rapping in this funny way doesn’t mean that I’m not worthy of actually being evaluated as a rapper.”
― Lil Dicky
“Obviously, my aspirations are to be considered one of the best. Like, anyone rapping should have that mindset.”
― Lil Dicky
“If I apply myself to rap, I’m gonna be the best rapper alive. If I apply myself to comedy, I’m going to be the funniest guy alive.”
― Lil Dicky
“I’ve always been totally enamored by hip-hop. I wouldn’t say I liked it exclusively growing up. It was, like, that and alt-rock. But I always preferred it. It set a tone for everything I wanted to do in life.”
― Lil Dicky
“It’s not that I’m playing a rapper. I definitely feel like I’m a legitimate rapper. I just think that, who I am, there’s more to me than just being a rapper.”
― Lil Dicky
“I think everybody has their own inner rap spirit animal.”
― Lil Dicky
“Usually, I think of the song, and then the video plays out in my head as I’m writing the song. I started rapping to become a comedian, so I’m certainly thinking about the visual component of things beyond just the music most of the time.”
― Lil Dicky
“I don’t spend a ton of time interacting, but I feel like I probably do more than most rappers/artists. I just find it interesting to be able to communicate with fans. It’s cool.”
― Lil Dicky
“A part of me wants to rely less and less on comedic visuals and make more substantial standalone music. And get a sitcom on TV where I can let my comedy do the talking there.”
― Lil Dicky
“I grew up when Chris Brown was, like, an icon. He was my ringtone when I was in high school.”
― Lil Dicky
“I care most about what rappers think about me as a rapper, and I’ve gotten a lot of praise. I think rappers understand I’m a really good rapper, and that means more to me than a random person, you know, ’cause they know what goes into making rap music.”
― Lil Dicky
“Personally, I feel like I’m trying to redefine what a really good rapper can be like. Like, I think it’s not often where a good rapper can be making funny music.”
― Lil Dicky
“I would say that I don’t make music quickly; like, my process has been very slow, and my bar is very high, and I don’t really rush to make music just to get something out there.”
― Lil Dicky
“Snoop Dogg and T-Pain, to me, are like legends so it’s like, any time you get to work with a legend like that, it’s cool.”
― Lil Dicky
“I think my TV show is gonna be my big thing, so I’m pretty focused on that, and I think doing that will lead to all of the other opportunities I want, to jump to movies and other stuff, but it starts with that.”
― Lil Dicky
“My favorite part of festival season is probably the disposable income at hand for me… I get booked for more, and I make more money.”
― Lil Dicky
“I really don’t spend my money that much unless I’m reinvesting in my business.”
― Lil Dicky
“I’m not a big festivalgoer as in, like, a citizen.”
― Lil Dicky
“It is crazy how people can’t understand the concept of comedy and music. It’s like they have to be mutually exclusive.”
― Lil Dicky
“One time, I performed ‘Save Dat Money’ with Justin Bieber. I was at his album release party, and he was like, ‘Do you want to do the song?’ I was also on a date, so the date met Justin Bieber, and I couldn’t have looked cooler.”
― Lil Dicky
“It’s hard to form actual legitimate relationships.”
― Lil Dicky
“Growing up, the one thing I noticed was that everyone seemed to laugh at my jokes wherever I went.”
― Lil Dicky
“I was a business major at the University of Richmond, and after I graduated, I took a job at a corporate ad agency. I had comedic dreams, but I also had a realistic look at what I had to do when I left school: maybe I’m funny, but maybe I’m one of a hundred thousand funny people, you know?”
― Lil Dicky
“I spent two years making music in San Francisco for my first mixtape. Initially, I was not at all doing this to be a professional rapper, a touring rapper. I didn’t think I had that talent level in me.”
― Lil Dicky
“The thing is, I was never really a comedian – a comedian would scoff at the notion of me as a comedian because I’ve never done anything, really. I’ve always just been some guy who’s funny.”
― Lil Dicky
“I’m not ever going to stop rapping. I love rap.”
― Lil Dicky
“I think people just have to realize that music grows, and hip-hop evolves. I mean, everything evolves.”
― Lil Dicky
“My whole initial goal was to be a comedian, so it’s not like I chose to do a TV show out of nowhere. It’s kind of always been goal to do a TV show.”
― Lil Dicky
“I was lucky enough to be in the studio with Drake and Kanye before I put ‘Freaky Friday’ out. I showed them the video before I put it out.”
― Lil Dicky
“Like, I haven’t even tried a cherry before, because I’m such a picky eater, and I behave like a 9-year-old.”
― Lil Dicky
“If we’re evaluating cool to the way other rappers appear to be cool, then I’m not cool at all.”
― Lil Dicky
“I love rap, and part of hip-hop culture is being excessive and absurd, and I can’t be excessive and absurd without sounding corny. So I have to do it in a very truthful, weird way.”
― Lil Dicky
“Because I feel like I can do so many different things, and people like my music for different reasons, I don’t feel pigeonholed. I think people are always going to appreciate whatever direction I take.”
― Lil Dicky
“There just hasn’t been a voice for that normal dude when it comes to rap.”
― Lil Dicky
“As a public figure, I’m always interested in being part of brands that I actually enjoy. So, I would never do something with somebody I don’t believe in, a product I don’t believe in. There are so many products out there that I love that I’d chomp at the bit to be a part of their campaign.”
― Lil Dicky
“I always wanted to be a comedian.”
― Lil Dicky
“Money doesn’t drive me in the slightest.”
― Lil Dicky
“Lil Wayne was one of my favorite rappers.”
― Lil Dicky
“Love is a fickle thing. But I still believe in it.”
― Lil Dicky
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