Top 54 Lois Frankel Quotes December 5, 2020 by Krista Aniston Leave a Comment “One of the best things we can do for our country, for advancing our children, is to upgrade our child care system.”― Lois Frankel“It just comes out of my subconscious. If you asked me to draw you a doodle, I couldn’t do it.”― Lois Frankel“We can’t just pop off and drop a bomb on North Korea and think everything’s going to be OK. It just doesn’t work like that. It’s a complicated puzzle.”― Lois Frankel“The right to religious freedom and the right to vote are both fundamental to our democracy.”― Lois Frankel“I definitely think there should be stronger gun safety laws, including prohibiting the sale of assault weapons, probably banning the sale of certain magazines that allow you to fire a large amount of bullets.”― Lois Frankel“Japan and South Korea are two of America’s greatest trading partners and home to important U.S. military bases.”― Lois Frankel“I never liked the status quo. Once I went to college, I got very involved in student activism.”― Lois Frankel“Mayors, I think, tend to be more no-nonsense, and you look for economic opportunities for your communities.”― Lois Frankel“A strong, unwavering relationship between the U.S. and its allies Japan and South Korea is necessary for the national and economic security of all three countries.”― Lois Frankel“There should be no doubt why Israel, our best friend and greatest ally in the Middle East, has determined that Iran poses an existential threat.”― Lois Frankel“Closing the gun show loophole would be a good thing to do.”― Lois Frankel“I’m from Florida, which I consider more southern. You cannot put Florida in the same category as California or New York.”― Lois Frankel“A North Korea that has the capability to use a nuclear weapon that can reach an American city or those of an ally poses a grave challenge as the U.S. seeks to preserve peace and stability in the region.”― Lois Frankel“I really do believe in succession building and giving people experience for future leadership.”― Lois Frankel“I’ve taken legislation that people have been trying to pass for 10 or 15 years, and I got it passed.”― Lois Frankel“Veterans have stood up for us.”― Lois Frankel“Creating on-campus communities for student veterans will help ease the transition from military to student life by providing networking opportunities, assistance with federal benefits, and career services.”― Lois Frankel“Veterans are one area where Republicans and Democrats have made progress together.”― Lois Frankel“Why give Russia or Syria any reason to doubt that Obama would use force?”― Lois Frankel“I can say this very clearly: I have come into this Congress with an antiwar bias.”― Lois Frankel“I do not want to send anybody else’s child to war.”― Lois Frankel“All polling places should be safe, without discrimination against any religion.”― Lois Frankel“I think the Port of Palm Beach has an opportunity to thrive, if they can figure out how to do it with community support.”― Lois Frankel“A lone voice isn’t as important as a collective voice.”― Lois Frankel“There should be no room in our society for any type of religious bigotry.”― Lois Frankel“Once you’ve been a mayor, you look to try to get things done.”― Lois Frankel“Our military personnel sacrifice for us, and we need to stand up for them.”― Lois Frankel“Yachts are job creators.”― Lois Frankel“My concept of hitting the ground running and being an effective legislator is to focus on my district and having really good constituent work.”― Lois Frankel“There’s always been incivility in politics.”― Lois Frankel“When your leader is misbehaving, it’s very easy for other people to follow that.”― Lois Frankel“I don’t particularly care to know the names of the people in the Freedom Caucus.”― Lois Frankel“I’m the mother of a Marine veteran.”― Lois Frankel“Sometimes less is better with government.”― Lois Frankel“I am not one of those who thinks that Congress needs to be in session 24 hours a day interfering in peoples’ lives.”― Lois Frankel“Issues become much more real to me when I have stories back home.”― Lois Frankel“We are a nation of laws, and we should live by the rule of law. And sometimes we should have a little bit of common sense.”― Lois Frankel“I have been in office for many years, and let me tell you, many times I have hated what the press has said about me.”― Lois Frankel“It’s very interesting how Washington works. It’s not about speeches. It’s about relationships.”― Lois Frankel“The reason Jeb Bush is not doing well is because of his name. He is part of a long establishment Republican family, and this is not going well with the Republican Party.”― Lois Frankel“ISIL is dangerous. They’re a threat. They’re a brutal, horrible force that needs to be dealt with.”― Lois Frankel“We are held up by the radical Muslims as the enemy. So every time we go into one of these countries to do – we think – the right thing, we become propaganda for this radical movement.”― Lois Frankel“I am fairly certain that our budget deficit was not caused by children with autism or 90-year-old grannies in nursing homes, so why take it out on them by cutting services?”― Lois Frankel“As much as the Congress is criticized – and a lot of it is well deserved – the fact is there are many quiet victories if you keep your head down and know how to maneuver in the process and get things done.”― Lois Frankel“We have required under law for years that men and women get paid equal money for equal work. But we’ve faced challenges enforcing that law. There is still a large wage gap, and there are numerous instances of women holding jobs where they are not compensated fairly.”― Lois Frankel“We need a national family leave policy that will allow both men and women to take paid time off from work to care for a newborn or a sick relative.”― Lois Frankel“We must engage with China to try and put as much pressure on North Korea as possible.”― Lois Frankel“I always tell people that being the mayor of an urban city for eight years was like getting run over by a truck every day. There’s inner satisfaction, but 24 hours a day, every day, I’m on duty.”― Lois Frankel“I served 14 years in the state legislature and served in both the minority and majority.”― Lois Frankel“I have learned how to take votes where I had to hold my nose because I had to compromise – something that you learn to do, especially when you have been in the minority.”― Lois Frankel“My son was born right here in Florida; he went to public schools and went to the University of Florida and surprised me – I’ll tell you that – when he went into the service.”― Lois Frankel“When I was a young kid, girls were taught that their role in life was to get married and have children. It was the 1950s. Those were the rules.”― Lois Frankel“I think I have a gene in me to always fight for the underdog, which I’ve done since I was a kid.”― Lois Frankel“I ran for Congress in 1992, but I lost the election, and I really dropped the idea of ever serving in Congress. Eventually, I went home and became the mayor of my city, West Palm Beach. I was mayor for eight years.”― Lois Frankel
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