“Infinite power just isn’t very interesting, no matter what game you’re playing. It’s much more fun when you have a limited tool set to use against the odds.”
― Markus Persson
“’Minecraft’ is to a large degree about having unique experiences that nobody else has had. The levels are randomly generated, and you can build anything you want to build yourself.”
― Markus Persson
“I definitely think ‘Minecraft’ is a freak thing. There’s no way you could replicate it intentionally.”
― Markus Persson
“I first wore a hat after seeing a friend wear a hat. It seemed like a neat way to keep snow off my head without having to wear a beanie, so I tried it on for a while. Turns out I started wearing the hat at around the time people took pictures of me and put them online and in newspapers, so it kind of became part of my public image.”
― Markus Persson
“We lived in this area that was basically two circular roads next to each other. There were forests and pastures and stuff. I remember walking around the forest quite a bit.”
― Markus Persson
“If you build a car, you can only sell it once. If you paint a fence, you only get paid for it once. If you create a piece of software that’s essentially free to reproduce, you can keep getting paid over and over perpetually.”
― Markus Persson
“I have the ability to get code done, but I’m impatient, and it’s scrappy as a result. Maybe that helped me with ‘Minecraft,’ as it came quickly. But, well, at some point, I’d like to actually become a good programmer.”
― Markus Persson
“’Minecraft’ certainly became a huge hit, and people are telling me it’s changed games. I never meant for it to do either. It’s certainly flattering, and to gradually get thrust into some kind of public spotlight is interesting.”
― Markus Persson
“I’ve never run a company before, and I don’t want to feel like a boss. I just want to turn up and do my work.”
― Markus Persson
“I never really had the fun teens of exploring the world because I was sitting at home, learning programming.”
― Markus Persson
“I guess people feel like they kind of know me. The game developer me, or the Twitter persona, that’s Notch. It’s a censored version. The real me is Markus.”
― Markus Persson
“I think the more realistic you try to make the graphics and the experience, the more you limit yourself to a single vision.”
― Markus Persson
“I think the only way I could make something fun and big is if I don’t expect it to be.”
― Markus Persson
“I feel there is this looming cloud over my life.”
― Markus Persson
“For ‘Minecraft,’ it actually started with an isometric strategy game.”
― Markus Persson
“Gaming goes in trends, and for a bit of a too-long stretch, it focused on huge productions.”
― Markus Persson
“We try to make games we want to make for the sake of making fun games and not necessarily to make a profit.”
― Markus Persson
“I really wanted to make a dungeon crawler, but this game came out, ‘Legend of Grimrock 2,’ which was, like, the perfect dungeon crawler. It basically destroyed the genre for me, and no way could I make a game that good in that genre.”
― Markus Persson
“With the creative stuff, I have highs of being very productive and lows of being not productive. I have that in my moods as well.”
― Markus Persson
“Facebook creeps me out.”
― Markus Persson
“When I was young, we didn’t have indie games. We had ‘garage developers’ or similar terms, who were just small teams making games out of passion.”
― Markus Persson
“I wouldn’t want to do anything like ‘Minecraft’ again, where it’s, like, an on-going thing, and there are customers I have to keep happy.”
― Markus Persson
“I kind of ‘code-sketch,’ where I get started with a project by actually writing the code for it and getting something up on the screen. Then I play around with it and see if it’s any fun and change the parts that aren’t.”
― Markus Persson
“If I had intended for ‘Minecraft’ to end up on consoles, I wouldn’t have developed the game in Java. The decision to port the game to consoles came from a combination of player requests, a desire to play around with the brand on different platforms, and some interesting business deals.”
― Markus Persson
“Turns out, what I love doing is making games. Not hyping games or trying to sell a lot of copies. I just want to experiment and develop and think and tinker and tweak.”
― Markus Persson
“I’m a little confused by love.”
― Markus Persson
“The most interesting indie titles always tend to come out of nowhere for me. That’s part of the fun for me.”
― Markus Persson
“The only thing I think that is wrong with modern gaming now is the free-to-play stuff on mobile phones. I think it’s very cynical and cold and weird.”
― Markus Persson
“Just make games for yourself and try to have a critical eye to what you do. If you genuinely like the game, there will be other people who like it as well.”
― Markus Persson
“I tried to use Tinder. It didn’t work.”
― Markus Persson
“I already have it, but a good keyboard is invaluable when you spend a lot of time typing. My favorite one is the ancient IBM Model M I have at home.”
― Markus Persson
“I’m not an entrepreneur. I’m not a CEO. I’m a nerdy computer programmer who likes to have opinions on Twitter.”
― Markus Persson
“If I ever accidentally make something that seems to gain traction, I’ll probably abandon it immediately.”
― Markus Persson
“When you have the kind of success ‘Minecraft’ has brought, you can just choose yourself the way you want to do things.”
― Markus Persson
“The speed at which modern CPUs perform computations still blows my mind daily.”
― Markus Persson
“Partying is not a sane way to spend money, but it’s fun. When we were young, we did not have a lot of money at all, so I thought, ‘If I ever get rich, I’m not going to become one of those boring rich people who doesn’t spend money.’”
― Markus Persson
“Having built-in video recording capabilities for a game that focuses on user-generated content might be a very good thing.”
― Markus Persson
“I don’t have the relationship that I thought I did with my fans. Maybe I did early on when I had a couple thousand fans, but it’s not like us anymore. It’s the idea of Notch and the ‘Minecraft’ community.”
― Markus Persson
“I’m worried about the future of computer operating systems, as they all seem to be sliding towards a more controlled experience, taking away much of what makes PC games so much fun.”
― Markus Persson
“The first game I actually bought myself with my own money was ‘The Bard’s Tale.’”
― Markus Persson
“PC gaming has always been strong, and I see it surviving for quite a few more years. It will be around for at least as long as people use PCs.”
― Markus Persson
“I remember disassembling and putting an old analog alarm clock together. It was a lot of fun figuring out why it still worked with that one spring missing.”
― Markus Persson
“Any email that contains the words ‘important’ or ‘urgent’ never are, and annoy me to the point of not replying out of principle.”
― Markus Persson
“Specifically, my favorite tool in Java is hot code swapping in debug mode, meaning I can edit the code while the game is running and immediately see the results in the running game. This is super great for rapid tweaking.”
― Markus Persson
“Facebook is not a company of grass-roots tech enthusiasts. Facebook is not a game tech company. Facebook has a history of caring about building user numbers, and nothing but building user numbers.”
― Markus Persson
“I’ve been struggling with why are people so mean online. Not everyone, but some people. You see the mean comments; like, they seem like they’re written in a bigger font size, almost.”
― Markus Persson
“I used to be really stressed about that: like, how do I follow up on ‘Minecraft,’ because I have this weird expectation to. But after a while, what I realized I enjoy doing is prototyping and playing with ideas.”
― Markus Persson
“I am a romantic person and maybe have this Hollywood perception of love… but then, it’s never really like the movies.”
― Markus Persson
“I didn’t really have much luck with women when I was younger, so on some level, I feel like I don’t really belong.”
― Markus Persson
“Steam is not really leading the PC in any creative way, but it certainly has proved that the PC is a viable commercial platform by having a product that is amazingly easy to use for the end user, to the point where it’s easier to buy a game on Steam than it is to pirate it.”
― Markus Persson
“By the nature of how a personal computer works and how open they are, modding has always been a big part of PC games, and it can really enhance the experience and extend the lifespan of a game.”
― Markus Persson
“I’m not much of a builder in ‘Minecraft,’ so I don’t really understand how much work goes into these big projects. Seeing the flyby videos blows me away, and I have no idea how people do it.”
― Markus Persson
“The more consoles the better, because if there’s more competition, they might get more open.”
― Markus Persson
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